#smrgKİTABEVİ Arap Dilinde Yapı ve Anlam - Ez-Zeccac ve Kitabu Fe'altu ve Ef'altu - 2023
In addition to the studies on Arabic in general in the periods close to the period of the Mohammed's life, philological studies were also carried out. One of the most important types of works among these philological studies is the studies that determine the structure and meaning of words. These works, which are thought to be useful for anyone interested in the Arabic language, are a source for students of science. Kitâbu Fe‘altü and Ef‘altü, the work of al-Zejjâj, which he deals with on the basis of the Arabic language's consumables and lexical features, is one of the important works in this field. Ebû İs?â? al-Zejjâj, in his work called Kitâbu Fe'altü ve Ef'altü, deals with the verbs used in fe'altü and ef'altü meters by Arabs. He examines these verbs as those with a change in meaning and those with no change in meaning.
In addition to the studies on Arabic in general in the periods close to the period of the Mohammed's life, philological studies were also carried out. One of the most important types of works among these philological studies is the studies that determine the structure and meaning of words. These works, which are thought to be useful for anyone interested in the Arabic language, are a source for students of science. Kitâbu Fe‘altü and Ef‘altü, the work of al-Zejjâj, which he deals with on the basis of the Arabic language's consumables and lexical features, is one of the important works in this field. Ebû İs?â? al-Zejjâj, in his work called Kitâbu Fe'altü ve Ef'altü, deals with the verbs used in fe'altü and ef'altü meters by Arabs. He examines these verbs as those with a change in meaning and those with no change in meaning.