#smrgSAHAF Euromanagers and Martians: The Business Cultures of Europe's Trading Nations - 1998
Based on input from over 1,000 international executives, as well as the author?s extensive experience? EuroManagers & Martians? offers a detailed examination of the business and management cultures of Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Nordic countries. The author identifies the areas where cultures collide, comparing management styles and negotiating strategies, and analyzing the implications of cross-frontier strategic alliances, multicultural teamwork and the impact of Anglo-Saxon performance management practices.
Based on input from over 1,000 international executives, as well as the author?s extensive experience? EuroManagers & Martians? offers a detailed examination of the business and management cultures of Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Nordic countries. The author identifies the areas where cultures collide, comparing management styles and negotiating strategies, and analyzing the implications of cross-frontier strategic alliances, multicultural teamwork and the impact of Anglo-Saxon performance management practices.