#smrgKİTABEVİ The Old Assyrian List of Year Eponyms from Karum Kanish and its Chronological Implication CİLTLİ - 2003
1. Introduction 1
2. The Kültepe Eponym List (KEL) 3
2.1 The sources of KEL 3
2.2 The text of KEL A 5
2.3 Variants in KEL B-D 10
2.4 Remarks on the variants 11
2.5 Text critical notes 13
3. The Colophon 16
4. The Eponymy and eponyms in general 20
4.1 The eponymy 20
4.2 Spelling of the names 22
4.3 Identification of eponyms 23
a. By patronym 23
b. By nickname, profession, status, or origin 25
4.4 Family relations between eponyms 27
5. Comments on individual eponyms 29
6. The Rulers of Assur 38
6.1 Titles 38
6.2 Regnal years 39
6.3 Individual rulers 40
a. Irišum I 40
b. Ikunum 42
c. Šarrukin 43
d. Puzur-Aššur II 44
e. Naram-Suen 45
7. The last phase of karum Kanish level II 47
7.1 The evidence of the 'Mari Eponym Chronicle' (MEC) 47
a. The eponyms of MEC B 47
b. MEC B and the evidence from karum Kanish 49
c. The reconstruction of MEC 50
7.2 Assyrian 'Distanzangaben' 51
7.3 Year-eponyms not listed in KEL A 52 7.4 Conclusion: eponyms * 130-* 139 55
8. General chronological observations 57
8.1 Dating proposals 57
8.2 A shorter chronology? 58
8.3 Assur and its colonies 59
8.4 Šamši-Adad I 61
9. Post-level II year eponyms from Kanish, Boğazköy, and Alişar. 63
9.1 Karum Kanish level Ib 64
9.2 Boğazköy 66
9.3 Alişar 66
9.4 Approximate dates for karum Kanish level Ib 67
10. Addendum. 69
11. Index of level II eponyms and their fathers 71
12. Abbreviations and bibliography 76
13. Figures
1. Introduction 1
2. The Kültepe Eponym List (KEL) 3
2.1 The sources of KEL 3
2.2 The text of KEL A 5
2.3 Variants in KEL B-D 10
2.4 Remarks on the variants 11
2.5 Text critical notes 13
3. The Colophon 16
4. The Eponymy and eponyms in general 20
4.1 The eponymy 20
4.2 Spelling of the names 22
4.3 Identification of eponyms 23
a. By patronym 23
b. By nickname, profession, status, or origin 25
4.4 Family relations between eponyms 27
5. Comments on individual eponyms 29
6. The Rulers of Assur 38
6.1 Titles 38
6.2 Regnal years 39
6.3 Individual rulers 40
a. Irišum I 40
b. Ikunum 42
c. Šarrukin 43
d. Puzur-Aššur II 44
e. Naram-Suen 45
7. The last phase of karum Kanish level II 47
7.1 The evidence of the 'Mari Eponym Chronicle' (MEC) 47
a. The eponyms of MEC B 47
b. MEC B and the evidence from karum Kanish 49
c. The reconstruction of MEC 50
7.2 Assyrian 'Distanzangaben' 51
7.3 Year-eponyms not listed in KEL A 52 7.4 Conclusion: eponyms * 130-* 139 55
8. General chronological observations 57
8.1 Dating proposals 57
8.2 A shorter chronology? 58
8.3 Assur and its colonies 59
8.4 Šamši-Adad I 61
9. Post-level II year eponyms from Kanish, Boğazköy, and Alişar. 63
9.1 Karum Kanish level Ib 64
9.2 Boğazköy 66
9.3 Alişar 66
9.4 Approximate dates for karum Kanish level Ib 67
10. Addendum. 69
11. Index of level II eponyms and their fathers 71
12. Abbreviations and bibliography 76
13. Figures