#smrgSAHAF Women in the USSR : Facts and Figures - 1985
World production today is incon- ceivable without women's participa- tion: more than 30 per cent of the world's wage earners are women. The growing number of women being em- ployed in a professional capacity has contributed significantly to their social and political awareness. Yet in many countries of the world ensuring the equality of women in law and in practice remains a major social problem.
The Decade for Women (1976-85) proclaimed by the United Nations under the motto of "Equality, Development and Peace" gave a new impetus to the effort to ensure the equality of women and improve their position. The UN Decade in the Soviet Union coincided with the implementation of the social and economic measures of the tenth (1976-80) and eleventh (1981-85) five- year plans.
Among the major international docu- ments adopted during the Decade of special importance is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopt- ed by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 1979. The Convention, which comprises thirty articles, defines...”
World production today is incon- ceivable without women's participa- tion: more than 30 per cent of the world's wage earners are women. The growing number of women being em- ployed in a professional capacity has contributed significantly to their social and political awareness. Yet in many countries of the world ensuring the equality of women in law and in practice remains a major social problem.
The Decade for Women (1976-85) proclaimed by the United Nations under the motto of "Equality, Development and Peace" gave a new impetus to the effort to ensure the equality of women and improve their position. The UN Decade in the Soviet Union coincided with the implementation of the social and economic measures of the tenth (1976-80) and eleventh (1981-85) five- year plans.
Among the major international docu- ments adopted during the Decade of special importance is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopt- ed by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 1979. The Convention, which comprises thirty articles, defines...”