#smrgKİTABEVİ 38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı = Proceedings of the 38 international Congress on the History of Medicine = Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine 38. 1-6 September 2002) 3 Cilt TAKIM - 2005

Nil Sarı, Ali Haydar Bayat, Yeşim Ülman, Mary Işın
Kapak Görseli:
Haydarpaşa Tıbbiyesi
Basıldığı Matbaa:
Sarıyıldız Basımevi
Dizi Adı:
XXVI. Dizi, Sayı 14
Kargoya Teslim Süresi:
İplik Dikişli
Stok Kodu:
Sayfa Sayısı:
Basım Yeri:
Basım Tarihi:
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapak
Kağıt Türü:
1. Hamur
Türkçe - İngilizce - Fransızca
Havale/EFT ile: 391,51
Stoktan teslim
38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı = Proceedings of the 38 international Congress on the History of Medicine = Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine 38. 1-6 September 2002) 3 Cilt TAKIM -        2005
38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı = Proceedings of the 38 international Congress on the History of Medicine = Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine 38. 1-6 September 2002) 3 Cilt TAKIM - 2005 #smrgKİTABEVİ
1. Cilt. Tarih öncesi dönemlerde yılan sembolizmi ve tıbbın amblemi üzerine / Mehmet Ateş, s. 1-[7] -- Ancient Mesopotamıan Medicine : the undervalued profession / Burton R. Andersen, Joann Scurlock, s. 9-12 -- La Médicalisation comportement déviant en Babylone et Assyrie / Julio Cesar Pangas, Abel L. Agüero, Alfredo Kohn Loncarica, s. 13-23 -- The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus / Mehryar Mashouf, s. 25-32 -- Ni-Ankh-Sekhmet : the first specialist and rhinologist in history / Ahmes L. Pahor, s. 33-35 -- Some ancient Egyptian remains in Birmingham museum-two heads, three skulls / S.V. Chavda, P. Watson, A. L. Pahor, s. 37-40 -- High technology ın Etruscan dentistry / G. Baggieri, G. Gigante, C. Giardino, s. 41-45 -- Etruscan circumcision / Gaspare Baggieri, s. 47-51 -- Archaeology, religion and medicine / Gaspare Baggieri, s. 53-58 -- Arkeolojik bulguların ışığı altında Antik çağda ve Anadolu'da Asklepios hekimliği / Zeynep Koçel Erdem, s. 59-66 -- Female physicians in Greek antiquity / A. Tasouli, E. Lymberopoulou, L. Palazis, J. Bissiadis, S. Geroulanos, s. 67-69 -- Ancient Anatolian medical women : an up-to-date epigraphye study / Alfredo Musajo Somma, Laura Musajo Somma, s. 71-75 -- Heracleia Salbaké, centre médical au Haut-Empire / Cecile Nissen, s. 77-83 -- Ancient Greek tragedies as a source complementary medicine / Theano D. Kontopolou, Emmanuel A. Vaidakis, Spyros G. Marketos, s. 85-87 -- From Homer's epic poems to the English medical terminology / A. Tasouli, G. Rigatos, A. Theodouli, Ch. Konstantinou, L. Tserketou, S. Geroulanos, s. 89-90 -- The father of medicine a historical reconsideration / Mostafa Shehata, s. 91-98 -- The use of gloves and mask sın antiquity (4?? century bc) / J. Kriaras, K. Papadopoulos, A. Tasolui, S. Geroulanos, s. 99-100 -- Sleep apnea syndrome pickwick or ptolemaic syndrome? / I. Kriaras, A. Michalopouslos, G. Tzelepis, L. Palazis, K. Papadopoulos, S. Geroulanos, s. 101-103 -- Galien entre L'Anatolie et L'Égypte face au défi de la tradition anatomique / Ana Maria Rosso, s. 105-112 -- A selection from the Halûk Perk colection on the medical instruments of antiquity / Halûk Perk, s. 113-124 -- On classification and treatment of proximal humeral fractures in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome / Stig Brorson, s. 125-127 -- Opening and closing the windows some remarks on the evolution of instruments for cranial trepanation / Boleslav Lichterman, s. 129-137 -- The early history of tracheotomy / K. Papadopoulos, K. Marathias, J. Kriaras, A. Robolla, S. Geroulanos, s. 139-143 -- Dioscorides' materia medica and the beginning of scientific pharmacy in the Mediterranean Area / Georgios Papadopoulos, s. 145-149 -- Medicinal herbs for eye diseases in the viennese dioskurides (Codex Constantinopolitanus Codex Julianae Anikiae) / Franz X. Daxecker, s. 151-154 -- Medicine and miracle in early Christianity / Gary B. Ferngren, s. 155-158 -- Bizans döneminde nazar ve kadın hastalılarına karşı kullanılmış muskalar / Gülgün Köroğlu, s. 159-166 -- Bizans'ta tıp ve kadın hekimler / Esin Ozansoy, s. 167-178 -- Passions, stoic and Christian, from a psychiatric perspective / Sotiris Kotsopoulos, s. 179-185 -- Surgery Byzantium / S. Geroulanos, E. Limberopoulou, M. Papadopoulos, P. Panagopoulou, J. Kriaras, s. 187-190 -- Byzantıİne surgİcal İnstruments for specific procedures / Stefanos Geroulanos, A. Tassouli, M. Papadopoulou, H. Andreopoulou, K. Papadopoulos, s. 191-193 -- The surgery of the early middle ages of Byzantium / Mark B. Mirsky, s. 195-198. 1. Cilt devamı. The diseases of Justinian I, the great (525-565 ad) / John Lascaratos, George Kalantzis, s. 199-203 -- The blinding of emperor Constantine VI (780-797 ad) by his mother / George Kalantzis, John Lascaratos, s. 205-208 -- The Byzantine emperors as patİents and doctors / John Lascaratos, Effie Poulakou,- Rebelakou, s. 209-212 -- Canonİzed physicians and healing saints on the famous Pala D'oro of San Marco originally from the Pantokrator of Constantinople / S. Geroulanos, S. Mantzari, M. Papadapoulou, s. 213-220 -- The creation of man and his evolution in the Qur'an / İsmail Yakıt, s. 221-230 -- Anger and its treatment in Islam / Raad Haider Younis , s. 231-233 -- Significant points in the history of Arabic-Islamic medicine / Mohammed Beshir El-Kateb, s. 235-243 -- A short history Islamic Pharmacy / David Tschanz, s. 245-252 -- Ishaq Ibn ‘Alı Al-Ruhawı's Adab Al-Tabib : the first medical ethics book in Islamic medicine and its possible misinterpretation by Martin Levey / Şahin Aksoy, Zehra Edisan, s. 253-256 -- Rhazes' diagnostic differentiation of smallpox and measles / Enayatollah Kalantar Hormozi, Saeed Changizi Ashtiyani, s. 257-260 -- Avicenna's contributions in obstetrics / Mohammad Shayeb, s. 261-263 -- Comparaison entre deux commentaires D'al-Urdjuza Fi Tıbb D'Ibn Sina : Ibn Rushd et Ibn Tumluss / Mahmoud Aroua, s. 265-279 -- In pursuit albucasis / Ibrahim Shaikh, s. 281-292 -- Albukasis- the outstanding surgeon of the Early Middle Ages / Mark B. Mirsky, s. 293-295 -- Traditional Iranian medicine and spinal cord injury / Abbas Mohammadi, Mohsen Naseri, Taher Taheri, Mohammad Ebadiani, s. 297-300 -- Ibn Baitar and his contribution on eastern medicine / Esin Kahya, Sevgi Şar, Adnan Ataç, s. 301-306 -- Ahmet B. Mansur'un Teşrih-i Ebdan adlı eseri ve bu çalışmanın değerlendirilmesi / Esin Kahya, s. 307-320 -- Galenic physicians as portrayed by an Arab biographer of the 13?? century : Ibn ?allik?n / Gerhard Wedel, s. 321-338 -- Was Lokman hekim alcmaeon? / Hüsrev Hatemi, Yeşim Işıl Ülman, s. 339-340 -- La signification médicale du de inaequali intemperie et son édition critique de la traduction Arabe de hunain Ibn Ishaq À la version de gerardo da cremona. Un exemple du retour de galien en occident / Vito Lorusso, Liborio Dibattista, s. 341-349 -- History of medicine in Egypt under Turkish rulers / Mostafa Shehata, s. 351-356 -- Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasında gözde bir tıp kurumu : Adudî Hastahanesi (el-bîmâristânü'l-‘ Adudî) / Ahmet Güner, s. 357-374 -- Eyyubiler ve Memlûklar döneminde inşa edilen bazı önemli hastaneler ve ünlü tabipler / Bahattin Keleş, s. 375-384 -- Memlukler dönemine ait tıp eğitimi ve uygulama hastaneleri ile ilgili bir vakfiye / Bahattin Keleş, s. 385-391 -- Sanitary buildings of medieval Azerbaijan / Rayiha Amenzade, s. 393-398 -- The places of madness : the Bimaristan Al-Arghun in fourteenth century Syria / Rosanna Gorini, s. 399-401 -- Sivas'ta Rahatoğulları Darürrrahası / Müjgân Üçer, s. 403-420 -- Uygurların X.-XII. Yüzyıllar arasında Orta Asya'daki ilaç ticaretine ilişkin faaliyetleri / Eyüp Sarıtaş, s. 421-425 -- Marine animals used in traditional Azerbaijan medicine / Farid U. Alakbarov, Nargiz T. Agabeyli, s. 427-431 -- Drug therapy in medieval Islam inside and outside hospitals / Leigh N.B. Chipman, s. 433-438 -- The medical school of Salerno and its contribution to the development of medicine / Afroditi Kousouni, Maria Mandyla Kousouni, s. 439-444 -- The chronological course medical education in the east and the west during the middle ages / Maria Mandyla Kousouni, Alexandros Kousounis, s. 445-450 -- Professionalization, medicine, and the medieval-early modern university / Vem L. Bullough, s. 451-458 -- Arestolobius, the patriarch of Jerusalem and the bark that comes from paradise : what did the orient mean to the compilers of old English medical collections? / Debby Banham, s. 459-468 -- Monks, women, herbs : distribution of ancient Greek and Byzantine knowledge of women's health in South Slavonic religious centers / Adelina Angusheva, Margaret Dimitrova, s. 469-479 -- Medieval antioch as an intellectual centre, and its influence on western European medicine / Susan B. Edgington, s. 481-487 -- Late Middle Ages : comparative review of European, Islamic and Pre-Columbian medicines / Miguel Gonzalez Guerra, s. 489-503 -- Medieval influence in hospitals in México during the XVI century / Martha Eugenia Rodriguez, s. 505-508 -- The influence of Arabian knowledge on new Spain / Rolando Neri-Vela, s. 509-510 -- Some aspects of paracelsus' critique on medieval medicine and pharmacology / Georgios Papadopoulos, s. 511-515 -- Some parallels between the systems of paracelsus and Van Helmont and that of Hahnemann's homeopathy / Georgios Papadopoulos, Michalis Lefas, s. 517-521 -- New contribution on the mummies of Venzone (Italy) / Gaspare Baggieri, Marina di Giacomo, Paolo Plazza, s. 523-525 -- Les lesions du cou et de la glande parotide dans l'art. / Jacques Willemot, Wolfgang Pirsig, s. 527-531 -- Early depictions of plaster in renaissance art / Wolfgang Pirsig, Michael Roth, s. 533-536 -- L'amour et la mélancolie dans l'ceuvre poétique d' ausias march a propos du troisiéme chant de mort (tercer cant de mort) / Abel Luis Agüero, Jaime Elias Bortz, Maria-José Trujillo, Alfredo G. Kohn Loncarica, s. 537-552 -- The influences of medieval medicine on polish medical practice and literature in the renaissance / Anita Magowska, s. 553-559 -- L'Hôpital thermal de caldas da rainha / J.L. Doria, M. Esperança Pina, H. Gomes da Silva, s. 561-565 -- History of Hypoxia : from the first historical notes to prevention and treatment / Tatyana S. Sorokina, s. 567-570 -- The mummies of the church of St. Francesco in Arezzo (Italy) / G. Baggieri, S. Dipilato, M. Di Giacomo, s. 571-574 -- Les troubles urinaires de Michel de Montaigne / Philippe Albou, s. 575-579 -- Care and therapy of the leprous during the Ottoman period in Konya / Yusuf Küçükdağ, Neyhan Ergene, Refik Soylu, Fuat Yöndemli, s. 581-584 -- Gebze Çoban Mustafa Paşa Külliyesi'ndeki Darüşşifa(?) / Nermin Ersoy, Tolga Güven, s. 585-590 -- Topkapı Sarayı hastaneleri ve eczaneleri / Canan Cimilli, s. 591-605 -- Hekimbaşı odası ve Başlala Kulesi / Ferda Albek, s. 607-609.

23037 . 38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı = Proceedings of the 38 international Congress on the History of Medicine = Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine 38. 1-6 September 2002) 3 Cilt TAKIM - 2005, Ankara: TTK Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2005. 3 Cilt 1451. 24x32. 1. Hamur. Karton Kapak. Türkçe - İngilizce - Fransızca, Yeni, #smrgKOLEKTİF, Sağlık / Tıp, Tıp Tarihi

1. Cilt. Tarih öncesi dönemlerde yılan sembolizmi ve tıbbın amblemi üzerine / Mehmet Ateş, s. 1-[7] -- Ancient Mesopotamıan Medicine : the undervalued profession / Burton R. Andersen, Joann Scurlock, s. 9-12 -- La Médicalisation comportement déviant en Babylone et Assyrie / Julio Cesar Pangas, Abel L. Agüero, Alfredo Kohn Loncarica, s. 13-23 -- The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus / Mehryar Mashouf, s. 25-32 -- Ni-Ankh-Sekhmet : the first specialist and rhinologist in history / Ahmes L. Pahor, s. 33-35 -- Some ancient Egyptian remains in Birmingham museum-two heads, three skulls / S.V. Chavda, P. Watson, A. L. Pahor, s. 37-40 -- High technology ın Etruscan dentistry / G. Baggieri, G. Gigante, C. Giardino, s. 41-45 -- Etruscan circumcision / Gaspare Baggieri, s. 47-51 -- Archaeology, religion and medicine / Gaspare Baggieri, s. 53-58 -- Arkeolojik bulguların ışığı altında Antik çağda ve Anadolu'da Asklepios hekimliği / Zeynep Koçel Erdem, s. 59-66 -- Female physicians in Greek antiquity / A. Tasouli, E. Lymberopoulou, L. Palazis, J. Bissiadis, S. Geroulanos, s. 67-69 -- Ancient Anatolian medical women : an up-to-date epigraphye study / Alfredo Musajo Somma, Laura Musajo Somma, s. 71-75 -- Heracleia Salbaké, centre médical au Haut-Empire / Cecile Nissen, s. 77-83 -- Ancient Greek tragedies as a source complementary medicine / Theano D. Kontopolou, Emmanuel A. Vaidakis, Spyros G. Marketos, s. 85-87 -- From Homer's epic poems to the English medical terminology / A. Tasouli, G. Rigatos, A. Theodouli, Ch. Konstantinou, L. Tserketou, S. Geroulanos, s. 89-90 -- The father of medicine a historical reconsideration / Mostafa Shehata, s. 91-98 -- The use of gloves and mask sın antiquity (4?? century bc) / J. Kriaras, K. Papadopoulos, A. Tasolui, S. Geroulanos, s. 99-100 -- Sleep apnea syndrome pickwick or ptolemaic syndrome? / I. Kriaras, A. Michalopouslos, G. Tzelepis, L. Palazis, K. Papadopoulos, S. Geroulanos, s. 101-103 -- Galien entre L'Anatolie et L'Égypte face au défi de la tradition anatomique / Ana Maria Rosso, s. 105-112 -- A selection from the Halûk Perk colection on the medical instruments of antiquity / Halûk Perk, s. 113-124 -- On classification and treatment of proximal humeral fractures in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome / Stig Brorson, s. 125-127 -- Opening and closing the windows some remarks on the evolution of instruments for cranial trepanation / Boleslav Lichterman, s. 129-137 -- The early history of tracheotomy / K. Papadopoulos, K. Marathias, J. Kriaras, A. Robolla, S. Geroulanos, s. 139-143 -- Dioscorides' materia medica and the beginning of scientific pharmacy in the Mediterranean Area / Georgios Papadopoulos, s. 145-149 -- Medicinal herbs for eye diseases in the viennese dioskurides (Codex Constantinopolitanus Codex Julianae Anikiae) / Franz X. Daxecker, s. 151-154 -- Medicine and miracle in early Christianity / Gary B. Ferngren, s. 155-158 -- Bizans döneminde nazar ve kadın hastalılarına karşı kullanılmış muskalar / Gülgün Köroğlu, s. 159-166 -- Bizans'ta tıp ve kadın hekimler / Esin Ozansoy, s. 167-178 -- Passions, stoic and Christian, from a psychiatric perspective / Sotiris Kotsopoulos, s. 179-185 -- Surgery Byzantium / S. Geroulanos, E. Limberopoulou, M. Papadopoulos, P. Panagopoulou, J. Kriaras, s. 187-190 -- Byzantıİne surgİcal İnstruments for specific procedures / Stefanos Geroulanos, A. Tassouli, M. Papadopoulou, H. Andreopoulou, K. Papadopoulos, s. 191-193 -- The surgery of the early middle ages of Byzantium / Mark B. Mirsky, s. 195-198. 1. Cilt devamı. The diseases of Justinian I, the great (525-565 ad) / John Lascaratos, George Kalantzis, s. 199-203 -- The blinding of emperor Constantine VI (780-797 ad) by his mother / George Kalantzis, John Lascaratos, s. 205-208 -- The Byzantine emperors as patİents and doctors / John Lascaratos, Effie Poulakou,- Rebelakou, s. 209-212 -- Canonİzed physicians and healing saints on the famous Pala D'oro of San Marco originally from the Pantokrator of Constantinople / S. Geroulanos, S. Mantzari, M. Papadapoulou, s. 213-220 -- The creation of man and his evolution in the Qur'an / İsmail Yakıt, s. 221-230 -- Anger and its treatment in Islam / Raad Haider Younis , s. 231-233 -- Significant points in the history of Arabic-Islamic medicine / Mohammed Beshir El-Kateb, s. 235-243 -- A short history Islamic Pharmacy / David Tschanz, s. 245-252 -- Ishaq Ibn ‘Alı Al-Ruhawı's Adab Al-Tabib : the first medical ethics book in Islamic medicine and its possible misinterpretation by Martin Levey / Şahin Aksoy, Zehra Edisan, s. 253-256 -- Rhazes' diagnostic differentiation of smallpox and measles / Enayatollah Kalantar Hormozi, Saeed Changizi Ashtiyani, s. 257-260 -- Avicenna's contributions in obstetrics / Mohammad Shayeb, s. 261-263 -- Comparaison entre deux commentaires D'al-Urdjuza Fi Tıbb D'Ibn Sina : Ibn Rushd et Ibn Tumluss / Mahmoud Aroua, s. 265-279 -- In pursuit albucasis / Ibrahim Shaikh, s. 281-292 -- Albukasis- the outstanding surgeon of the Early Middle Ages / Mark B. Mirsky, s. 293-295 -- Traditional Iranian medicine and spinal cord injury / Abbas Mohammadi, Mohsen Naseri, Taher Taheri, Mohammad Ebadiani, s. 297-300 -- Ibn Baitar and his contribution on eastern medicine / Esin Kahya, Sevgi Şar, Adnan Ataç, s. 301-306 -- Ahmet B. Mansur'un Teşrih-i Ebdan adlı eseri ve bu çalışmanın değerlendirilmesi / Esin Kahya, s. 307-320 -- Galenic physicians as portrayed by an Arab biographer of the 13?? century : Ibn ?allik?n / Gerhard Wedel, s. 321-338 -- Was Lokman hekim alcmaeon? / Hüsrev Hatemi, Yeşim Işıl Ülman, s. 339-340 -- La signification médicale du de inaequali intemperie et son édition critique de la traduction Arabe de hunain Ibn Ishaq À la version de gerardo da cremona. Un exemple du retour de galien en occident / Vito Lorusso, Liborio Dibattista, s. 341-349 -- History of medicine in Egypt under Turkish rulers / Mostafa Shehata, s. 351-356 -- Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasında gözde bir tıp kurumu : Adudî Hastahanesi (el-bîmâristânü'l-‘ Adudî) / Ahmet Güner, s. 357-374 -- Eyyubiler ve Memlûklar döneminde inşa edilen bazı önemli hastaneler ve ünlü tabipler / Bahattin Keleş, s. 375-384 -- Memlukler dönemine ait tıp eğitimi ve uygulama hastaneleri ile ilgili bir vakfiye / Bahattin Keleş, s. 385-391 -- Sanitary buildings of medieval Azerbaijan / Rayiha Amenzade, s. 393-398 -- The places of madness : the Bimaristan Al-Arghun in fourteenth century Syria / Rosanna Gorini, s. 399-401 -- Sivas'ta Rahatoğulları Darürrrahası / Müjgân Üçer, s. 403-420 -- Uygurların X.-XII. Yüzyıllar arasında Orta Asya'daki ilaç ticaretine ilişkin faaliyetleri / Eyüp Sarıtaş, s. 421-425 -- Marine animals used in traditional Azerbaijan medicine / Farid U. Alakbarov, Nargiz T. Agabeyli, s. 427-431 -- Drug therapy in medieval Islam inside and outside hospitals / Leigh N.B. Chipman, s. 433-438 -- The medical school of Salerno and its contribution to the development of medicine / Afroditi Kousouni, Maria Mandyla Kousouni, s. 439-444 -- The chronological course medical education in the east and the west during the middle ages / Maria Mandyla Kousouni, Alexandros Kousounis, s. 445-450 -- Professionalization, medicine, and the medieval-early modern university / Vem L. Bullough, s. 451-458 -- Arestolobius, the patriarch of Jerusalem and the bark that comes from paradise : what did the orient mean to the compilers of old English medical collections? / Debby Banham, s. 459-468 -- Monks, women, herbs : distribution of ancient Greek and Byzantine knowledge of women's health in South Slavonic religious centers / Adelina Angusheva, Margaret Dimitrova, s. 469-479 -- Medieval antioch as an intellectual centre, and its influence on western European medicine / Susan B. Edgington, s. 481-487 -- Late Middle Ages : comparative review of European, Islamic and Pre-Columbian medicines / Miguel Gonzalez Guerra, s. 489-503 -- Medieval influence in hospitals in México during the XVI century / Martha Eugenia Rodriguez, s. 505-508 -- The influence of Arabian knowledge on new Spain / Rolando Neri-Vela, s. 509-510 -- Some aspects of paracelsus' critique on medieval medicine and pharmacology / Georgios Papadopoulos, s. 511-515 -- Some parallels between the systems of paracelsus and Van Helmont and that of Hahnemann's homeopathy / Georgios Papadopoulos, Michalis Lefas, s. 517-521 -- New contribution on the mummies of Venzone (Italy) / Gaspare Baggieri, Marina di Giacomo, Paolo Plazza, s. 523-525 -- Les lesions du cou et de la glande parotide dans l'art. / Jacques Willemot, Wolfgang Pirsig, s. 527-531 -- Early depictions of plaster in renaissance art / Wolfgang Pirsig, Michael Roth, s. 533-536 -- L'amour et la mélancolie dans l'ceuvre poétique d' ausias march a propos du troisiéme chant de mort (tercer cant de mort) / Abel Luis Agüero, Jaime Elias Bortz, Maria-José Trujillo, Alfredo G. Kohn Loncarica, s. 537-552 -- The influences of medieval medicine on polish medical practice and literature in the renaissance / Anita Magowska, s. 553-559 -- L'Hôpital thermal de caldas da rainha / J.L. Doria, M. Esperança Pina, H. Gomes da Silva, s. 561-565 -- History of Hypoxia : from the first historical notes to prevention and treatment / Tatyana S. Sorokina, s. 567-570 -- The mummies of the church of St. Francesco in Arezzo (Italy) / G. Baggieri, S. Dipilato, M. Di Giacomo, s. 571-574 -- Les troubles urinaires de Michel de Montaigne / Philippe Albou, s. 575-579 -- Care and therapy of the leprous during the Ottoman period in Konya / Yusuf Küçükdağ, Neyhan Ergene, Refik Soylu, Fuat Yöndemli, s. 581-584 -- Gebze Çoban Mustafa Paşa Külliyesi'ndeki Darüşşifa(?) / Nermin Ersoy, Tolga Güven, s. 585-590 -- Topkapı Sarayı hastaneleri ve eczaneleri / Canan Cimilli, s. 591-605 -- Hekimbaşı odası ve Başlala Kulesi / Ferda Albek, s. 607-609.

23037 . 38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı = Proceedings of the 38 international Congress on the History of Medicine = Actes du Congrès International d'Histoire de la Médecine 38. 1-6 September 2002) 3 Cilt TAKIM - 2005, Ankara: TTK Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2005. 3 Cilt 1451. 24x32. 1. Hamur. Karton Kapak. Türkçe - İngilizce - Fransızca, Yeni, #smrgKOLEKTİF, Sağlık / Tıp, Tıp Tarihi

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