#smrgSAHAF An Approach to the Understanding of Islam - 1979

Philosopher activist
Revolutionary thinker of the Islamic Revolution Designer of the Revolutionary Culture of Shi'ism Born in Mazinan, a Traditional Village of Iran Raised in a climate of struggle against tyranny Imprisoned and tortured under a police state Teacher of thousands of committed young men and women Forger of a new role of faith in action Martyr at the hands of the forces opposed to humanity and the human right to evolve towards the Divine
Philosopher activist
Revolutionary thinker of the Islamic Revolution Designer of the Revolutionary Culture of Shi'ism Born in Mazinan, a Traditional Village of Iran Raised in a climate of struggle against tyranny Imprisoned and tortured under a police state Teacher of thousands of committed young men and women Forger of a new role of faith in action Martyr at the hands of the forces opposed to humanity and the human right to evolve towards the Divine