#smrgDERGİ Anatolia Moderna = Yeni Anadolu 6 - 1997

Fariba Zarınebaf - Shahr, Heresy and Rebellion in Ottoman Anatolia
Odile Moreau, Les contingents balkaniques: Le recrutement des contingents bosniaques (1826 - 1876)
Caroline F. Finkel and N.N. Ambraseys, The Marmara Sea Earthquake of 10 July 1894 and İts Effects on Historic Buildings
İbrahim Güler, İnventaire partiel des documents turcs des Archives Nationales de Tunisie
Dossier: Le Tekke Bektachi de Kazlıçeşme
Nicolas Vatin et Thierry Zarcone, Le tekke bektachi de Kazlıçeşme. 1. Etude historique et epigraphique
Baha Tanman, 2. Emplacement, plan de situation, architecture et decoration
Fariba Zarınebaf - Shahr, Heresy and Rebellion in Ottoman Anatolia
Odile Moreau, Les contingents balkaniques: Le recrutement des contingents bosniaques (1826 - 1876)
Caroline F. Finkel and N.N. Ambraseys, The Marmara Sea Earthquake of 10 July 1894 and İts Effects on Historic Buildings
İbrahim Güler, İnventaire partiel des documents turcs des Archives Nationales de Tunisie
Dossier: Le Tekke Bektachi de Kazlıçeşme
Nicolas Vatin et Thierry Zarcone, Le tekke bektachi de Kazlıçeşme. 1. Etude historique et epigraphique
Baha Tanman, 2. Emplacement, plan de situation, architecture et decoration