#smrgKİTABEVİ Borders Under Stress : the Cases of Turkey- EU and Mexico- USA Borders - 2012
![Borders Under Stress : the Cases of Turkey- EU and Mexico- USA Borders - 2012](/u/simurgkitabevi/img/b/b/o/borders-under-stress-the-cases-of-turkey-eu-and-mexico-usa-borders-201226918edde1127e262799697f2d268dc7.jpg)
1. Unauthorized Mexico Migration and Policy Responses by Philip L. Martin, University of California Davis, and Mark Miller
2. The Mexican Border Cities and Irregular Migration to the United States by Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro
3. Mexican Migration to the US dur-ing the 2008-2009 World Economic Recession by Liliana Meza Gon-zales and Carla Pederzini Villarreal
4. Bordering ‘Fortress Europe' From Within and Inside-Out: Greece, the EU and the Complex Dynamics of Interaction in Immigration Policy-making (1990-2000) by Georgia Mavrodi
5. The Gate of Thrace: Turkey-EU Case by Deniz Sert
6. Mexico and Turkey as Transit Countries by Giovanna Marconi
7. How to cross? Migrant Perspectives by Başak Bilecen
8. Concluding Remarks: Issues, Lessons, and Next Steps by Ahmet İçduygu and Deniz Sert Index
1. Unauthorized Mexico Migration and Policy Responses by Philip L. Martin, University of California Davis, and Mark Miller
2. The Mexican Border Cities and Irregular Migration to the United States by Rodolfo Cruz Piñeiro
3. Mexican Migration to the US dur-ing the 2008-2009 World Economic Recession by Liliana Meza Gon-zales and Carla Pederzini Villarreal
4. Bordering ‘Fortress Europe' From Within and Inside-Out: Greece, the EU and the Complex Dynamics of Interaction in Immigration Policy-making (1990-2000) by Georgia Mavrodi
5. The Gate of Thrace: Turkey-EU Case by Deniz Sert
6. Mexico and Turkey as Transit Countries by Giovanna Marconi
7. How to cross? Migrant Perspectives by Başak Bilecen
8. Concluding Remarks: Issues, Lessons, and Next Steps by Ahmet İçduygu and Deniz Sert Index