#smrgDERGİ BYZAS 15 : Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts - 2012
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491 s.
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Kağıt Türü:
1. Hamur
Türkçe - İngilizce - Almanca

BYZAS 15 : Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts - 2012 #smrgDERGİ
Vorwort (F. Pirson / M. Bachmann)
Preface (S. Redford)
Preface / Önsöz (Z. S. Kızıltan)
Editor's Preface (B. Böhlendorf-Arslan / A. Ricci)
Ricci, Marco / Rome-Byzantium Affinity and Difference in the Production of Luxury Goods
Arthur, Paul / Mapping Byzantine Trade and Culture: An Introduction to the Artefacts from Salento, Southern Italy
Piepoli, Luciano / The Working and Use of Metals in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, Italy) from Byzantine to Angevin Times. Preliminary Results
Metaxas, Susanne / Zur materiellen Kultur des byzantinischen Sizilien
Stern, E. Marianne / Early Byzantine Glass from Athens (5th–8th centuries)
Tsivikis, Nikos / Considerations on Some Bronze Buckles from Byzantine Messene
Petridis, Platon / Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi
Biernacki, Andrzej B. / Early Byzantine Iron Helmets from Novae (the Diocese of Thrace)
Bühler, Birgit / Zur Identifizierung «byzantinischer» Feinschmiedearbeiten mithilfe herstellungstechnischer Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Funden aus dem awarischen Siedlungsgebiet
Antonaras, Anastassios C. / Middle and Late Byzantine Jewellery from Thessaloniki and its Region
Westphalen, Stephan / Kleinfunde aus der Basilikagrabung am Kalekapı in Marmara Ereğlisi (Herakleia Perinthos)
Gökçay, M. Metin / Yenikapı Kazısı Ahşap Buluntuları
Ricci, Alessandra / Left Behind: Small Sized Objects from the Middle Byzantine Monastic Complex of Satyros (Küçükyali, Istanbul)
Çoruhlu, Tülin / Ören (Adramytteion Antik Kenti) Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bizans Küçük Buluntular
Pirson, Andrea / Byzantinischer Schmuck und Trachtbestandteile aus Pergamon
Berti, Fede / Grave Goods from the Necropolis in the Agora of Iasos
Pülz, Andrea M. / Byzantinische Kleinfunde und Trachtbestandteile aus Ephesos
Mercangöz, Zeynep / Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Kazısı: Bizans Döneminden Birkaç Küçük Buluntu
Bulgurlu, Vera / Byzantine Lead Seals from the Kadıkalesi/Anaia Excavations
Dafi, Evangelia / A Byzantine Lead Amulet from Samos
Kontogiannis, Nikos D. - Smaragdi I. Arvaniti / Placing ‹Contexts› in a Context: Minor Objects from Medieval Andros
Militsi, Evangelia / Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodecanese
Öztaşkın, Muradiye - Gökçen Kurtuluş Öztaşkın / «The Building with Mosaics» in Olympos: A Comparative Evaluation of Finds and Building Construction
Ferrazzoli, Adele Federica / Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste
Köroğlu, Gülgün / Medieval Small Finds from the Yumuktepe Excavations 1993-2008
Koçyiğit, Oğuz / Small Finds from the Early 9th Century Destruction at Amorium
Yaman, Hüseyin / Small Finds for the Dating of a Tomb at Amorium
Linscheid, Petra / Middle Byzantine Textile Finds from Amorium Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate / Das bewegliche Inventar eines mittelbyzantinischen Dorfes: Kleinfunde aus Boğazköy Warland, Rainer / Der Gegenstand im Bild. Zur Kontextualisierung von Realien in der byzantinischen Wandmalerei Kappadokiens Redford, Scott / A Twelfth Century Iron Workshop at Kinet, Turkey Dell‘Era, Francesca / Small Finds from Zeytinli Bahçe - Birecik (Urfa) Aibabin, Alexander / Early Byzantine Military Fibulas with Returned Foot from South-Western Crimea Khairedinova, Elzara A. / Early Medieval Crosses from the South-Western Crimea Klenina, Elena / Byzantine Bone Wares from Chersonesos in Taurica: Interpretation and Chronology Mourelatos, Dionysios / Metal Small Finds from Sinai. Preliminary Remarks Petrina, Yvonne / Ein Hochzeitsring aus der Bucht von Abuqir (Ägypten) Keller, Daniel / Context, Stratigraphy, Residuality. Problems of Establishing a Chronology of Early Byzantine Glass in Southern Egypt
Preface (S. Redford)
Preface / Önsöz (Z. S. Kızıltan)
Editor's Preface (B. Böhlendorf-Arslan / A. Ricci)
Ricci, Marco / Rome-Byzantium Affinity and Difference in the Production of Luxury Goods
Arthur, Paul / Mapping Byzantine Trade and Culture: An Introduction to the Artefacts from Salento, Southern Italy
Piepoli, Luciano / The Working and Use of Metals in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, Italy) from Byzantine to Angevin Times. Preliminary Results
Metaxas, Susanne / Zur materiellen Kultur des byzantinischen Sizilien
Stern, E. Marianne / Early Byzantine Glass from Athens (5th–8th centuries)
Tsivikis, Nikos / Considerations on Some Bronze Buckles from Byzantine Messene
Petridis, Platon / Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi
Biernacki, Andrzej B. / Early Byzantine Iron Helmets from Novae (the Diocese of Thrace)
Bühler, Birgit / Zur Identifizierung «byzantinischer» Feinschmiedearbeiten mithilfe herstellungstechnischer Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Funden aus dem awarischen Siedlungsgebiet
Antonaras, Anastassios C. / Middle and Late Byzantine Jewellery from Thessaloniki and its Region
Westphalen, Stephan / Kleinfunde aus der Basilikagrabung am Kalekapı in Marmara Ereğlisi (Herakleia Perinthos)
Gökçay, M. Metin / Yenikapı Kazısı Ahşap Buluntuları
Ricci, Alessandra / Left Behind: Small Sized Objects from the Middle Byzantine Monastic Complex of Satyros (Küçükyali, Istanbul)
Çoruhlu, Tülin / Ören (Adramytteion Antik Kenti) Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bizans Küçük Buluntular
Pirson, Andrea / Byzantinischer Schmuck und Trachtbestandteile aus Pergamon
Berti, Fede / Grave Goods from the Necropolis in the Agora of Iasos
Pülz, Andrea M. / Byzantinische Kleinfunde und Trachtbestandteile aus Ephesos
Mercangöz, Zeynep / Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Kazısı: Bizans Döneminden Birkaç Küçük Buluntu
Bulgurlu, Vera / Byzantine Lead Seals from the Kadıkalesi/Anaia Excavations
Dafi, Evangelia / A Byzantine Lead Amulet from Samos
Kontogiannis, Nikos D. - Smaragdi I. Arvaniti / Placing ‹Contexts› in a Context: Minor Objects from Medieval Andros
Militsi, Evangelia / Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodecanese
Öztaşkın, Muradiye - Gökçen Kurtuluş Öztaşkın / «The Building with Mosaics» in Olympos: A Comparative Evaluation of Finds and Building Construction
Ferrazzoli, Adele Federica / Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste
Köroğlu, Gülgün / Medieval Small Finds from the Yumuktepe Excavations 1993-2008
Koçyiğit, Oğuz / Small Finds from the Early 9th Century Destruction at Amorium
Yaman, Hüseyin / Small Finds for the Dating of a Tomb at Amorium
Linscheid, Petra / Middle Byzantine Textile Finds from Amorium Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate / Das bewegliche Inventar eines mittelbyzantinischen Dorfes: Kleinfunde aus Boğazköy Warland, Rainer / Der Gegenstand im Bild. Zur Kontextualisierung von Realien in der byzantinischen Wandmalerei Kappadokiens Redford, Scott / A Twelfth Century Iron Workshop at Kinet, Turkey Dell‘Era, Francesca / Small Finds from Zeytinli Bahçe - Birecik (Urfa) Aibabin, Alexander / Early Byzantine Military Fibulas with Returned Foot from South-Western Crimea Khairedinova, Elzara A. / Early Medieval Crosses from the South-Western Crimea Klenina, Elena / Byzantine Bone Wares from Chersonesos in Taurica: Interpretation and Chronology Mourelatos, Dionysios / Metal Small Finds from Sinai. Preliminary Remarks Petrina, Yvonne / Ein Hochzeitsring aus der Bucht von Abuqir (Ägypten) Keller, Daniel / Context, Stratigraphy, Residuality. Problems of Establishing a Chronology of Early Byzantine Glass in Southern Egypt
Vorwort (F. Pirson / M. Bachmann)
Preface (S. Redford)
Preface / Önsöz (Z. S. Kızıltan)
Editor's Preface (B. Böhlendorf-Arslan / A. Ricci)
Ricci, Marco / Rome-Byzantium Affinity and Difference in the Production of Luxury Goods
Arthur, Paul / Mapping Byzantine Trade and Culture: An Introduction to the Artefacts from Salento, Southern Italy
Piepoli, Luciano / The Working and Use of Metals in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, Italy) from Byzantine to Angevin Times. Preliminary Results
Metaxas, Susanne / Zur materiellen Kultur des byzantinischen Sizilien
Stern, E. Marianne / Early Byzantine Glass from Athens (5th–8th centuries)
Tsivikis, Nikos / Considerations on Some Bronze Buckles from Byzantine Messene
Petridis, Platon / Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi
Biernacki, Andrzej B. / Early Byzantine Iron Helmets from Novae (the Diocese of Thrace)
Bühler, Birgit / Zur Identifizierung «byzantinischer» Feinschmiedearbeiten mithilfe herstellungstechnischer Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Funden aus dem awarischen Siedlungsgebiet
Antonaras, Anastassios C. / Middle and Late Byzantine Jewellery from Thessaloniki and its Region
Westphalen, Stephan / Kleinfunde aus der Basilikagrabung am Kalekapı in Marmara Ereğlisi (Herakleia Perinthos)
Gökçay, M. Metin / Yenikapı Kazısı Ahşap Buluntuları
Ricci, Alessandra / Left Behind: Small Sized Objects from the Middle Byzantine Monastic Complex of Satyros (Küçükyali, Istanbul)
Çoruhlu, Tülin / Ören (Adramytteion Antik Kenti) Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bizans Küçük Buluntular
Pirson, Andrea / Byzantinischer Schmuck und Trachtbestandteile aus Pergamon
Berti, Fede / Grave Goods from the Necropolis in the Agora of Iasos
Pülz, Andrea M. / Byzantinische Kleinfunde und Trachtbestandteile aus Ephesos
Mercangöz, Zeynep / Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Kazısı: Bizans Döneminden Birkaç Küçük Buluntu
Bulgurlu, Vera / Byzantine Lead Seals from the Kadıkalesi/Anaia Excavations
Dafi, Evangelia / A Byzantine Lead Amulet from Samos
Kontogiannis, Nikos D. - Smaragdi I. Arvaniti / Placing ‹Contexts› in a Context: Minor Objects from Medieval Andros
Militsi, Evangelia / Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodecanese
Öztaşkın, Muradiye - Gökçen Kurtuluş Öztaşkın / «The Building with Mosaics» in Olympos: A Comparative Evaluation of Finds and Building Construction
Ferrazzoli, Adele Federica / Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste
Köroğlu, Gülgün / Medieval Small Finds from the Yumuktepe Excavations 1993-2008
Koçyiğit, Oğuz / Small Finds from the Early 9th Century Destruction at Amorium
Yaman, Hüseyin / Small Finds for the Dating of a Tomb at Amorium
Linscheid, Petra / Middle Byzantine Textile Finds from Amorium Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate / Das bewegliche Inventar eines mittelbyzantinischen Dorfes: Kleinfunde aus Boğazköy Warland, Rainer / Der Gegenstand im Bild. Zur Kontextualisierung von Realien in der byzantinischen Wandmalerei Kappadokiens Redford, Scott / A Twelfth Century Iron Workshop at Kinet, Turkey Dell‘Era, Francesca / Small Finds from Zeytinli Bahçe - Birecik (Urfa) Aibabin, Alexander / Early Byzantine Military Fibulas with Returned Foot from South-Western Crimea Khairedinova, Elzara A. / Early Medieval Crosses from the South-Western Crimea Klenina, Elena / Byzantine Bone Wares from Chersonesos in Taurica: Interpretation and Chronology Mourelatos, Dionysios / Metal Small Finds from Sinai. Preliminary Remarks Petrina, Yvonne / Ein Hochzeitsring aus der Bucht von Abuqir (Ägypten) Keller, Daniel / Context, Stratigraphy, Residuality. Problems of Establishing a Chronology of Early Byzantine Glass in Southern Egypt
Preface (S. Redford)
Preface / Önsöz (Z. S. Kızıltan)
Editor's Preface (B. Böhlendorf-Arslan / A. Ricci)
Ricci, Marco / Rome-Byzantium Affinity and Difference in the Production of Luxury Goods
Arthur, Paul / Mapping Byzantine Trade and Culture: An Introduction to the Artefacts from Salento, Southern Italy
Piepoli, Luciano / The Working and Use of Metals in the Salento Peninsula (Apulia, Italy) from Byzantine to Angevin Times. Preliminary Results
Metaxas, Susanne / Zur materiellen Kultur des byzantinischen Sizilien
Stern, E. Marianne / Early Byzantine Glass from Athens (5th–8th centuries)
Tsivikis, Nikos / Considerations on Some Bronze Buckles from Byzantine Messene
Petridis, Platon / Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi
Biernacki, Andrzej B. / Early Byzantine Iron Helmets from Novae (the Diocese of Thrace)
Bühler, Birgit / Zur Identifizierung «byzantinischer» Feinschmiedearbeiten mithilfe herstellungstechnischer Studien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Funden aus dem awarischen Siedlungsgebiet
Antonaras, Anastassios C. / Middle and Late Byzantine Jewellery from Thessaloniki and its Region
Westphalen, Stephan / Kleinfunde aus der Basilikagrabung am Kalekapı in Marmara Ereğlisi (Herakleia Perinthos)
Gökçay, M. Metin / Yenikapı Kazısı Ahşap Buluntuları
Ricci, Alessandra / Left Behind: Small Sized Objects from the Middle Byzantine Monastic Complex of Satyros (Küçükyali, Istanbul)
Çoruhlu, Tülin / Ören (Adramytteion Antik Kenti) Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bizans Küçük Buluntular
Pirson, Andrea / Byzantinischer Schmuck und Trachtbestandteile aus Pergamon
Berti, Fede / Grave Goods from the Necropolis in the Agora of Iasos
Pülz, Andrea M. / Byzantinische Kleinfunde und Trachtbestandteile aus Ephesos
Mercangöz, Zeynep / Kuşadası, Kadıkalesi/Anaia Kazısı: Bizans Döneminden Birkaç Küçük Buluntu
Bulgurlu, Vera / Byzantine Lead Seals from the Kadıkalesi/Anaia Excavations
Dafi, Evangelia / A Byzantine Lead Amulet from Samos
Kontogiannis, Nikos D. - Smaragdi I. Arvaniti / Placing ‹Contexts› in a Context: Minor Objects from Medieval Andros
Militsi, Evangelia / Small Finds from the Early Christian Settlement of Kefalos in Cos, Dodecanese
Öztaşkın, Muradiye - Gökçen Kurtuluş Öztaşkın / «The Building with Mosaics» in Olympos: A Comparative Evaluation of Finds and Building Construction
Ferrazzoli, Adele Federica / Byzantine Small Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste
Köroğlu, Gülgün / Medieval Small Finds from the Yumuktepe Excavations 1993-2008
Koçyiğit, Oğuz / Small Finds from the Early 9th Century Destruction at Amorium
Yaman, Hüseyin / Small Finds for the Dating of a Tomb at Amorium
Linscheid, Petra / Middle Byzantine Textile Finds from Amorium Böhlendorf-Arslan, Beate / Das bewegliche Inventar eines mittelbyzantinischen Dorfes: Kleinfunde aus Boğazköy Warland, Rainer / Der Gegenstand im Bild. Zur Kontextualisierung von Realien in der byzantinischen Wandmalerei Kappadokiens Redford, Scott / A Twelfth Century Iron Workshop at Kinet, Turkey Dell‘Era, Francesca / Small Finds from Zeytinli Bahçe - Birecik (Urfa) Aibabin, Alexander / Early Byzantine Military Fibulas with Returned Foot from South-Western Crimea Khairedinova, Elzara A. / Early Medieval Crosses from the South-Western Crimea Klenina, Elena / Byzantine Bone Wares from Chersonesos in Taurica: Interpretation and Chronology Mourelatos, Dionysios / Metal Small Finds from Sinai. Preliminary Remarks Petrina, Yvonne / Ein Hochzeitsring aus der Bucht von Abuqir (Ägypten) Keller, Daniel / Context, Stratigraphy, Residuality. Problems of Establishing a Chronology of Early Byzantine Glass in Southern Egypt
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