The authors of this book feci a great in terest in plants and have made numerous botanical excursioni to nıany parti of Turkey; they are proud to present the first illustrated book which deals with the plants of a titiorld-widc farnous rugion together with its geology as a whole.
Nevin Tanker has graduated as a pharmacist in 1954 and devoted her years to chcmistry and taxonomy of medicinal plants, At present she teaches pharmueemical botany at Faeulty Uf Pharmacy, Urıiversity of Ankara.
Mehmet Koyuncu has graduated as a botanist in 1968 and spent his years with taxonomy of plants. Ile has specialised in the Lily Family, Liliaeeae of Turkey, Al present ne teaches phartnaceutical botany and biolt.ıgy ut the same faeulty.
Semra Kurucu has graduated as a pharmacist in 1974 and spent her years with ehemistry and tuxonomy of medieinal plants. At present she teuehes pharrnaeognosy at the same faculty.
The authors of this book feci a great in terest in plants and have made numerous botanical excursioni to nıany parti of Turkey; they are proud to present the first illustrated book which deals with the plants of a titiorld-widc farnous rugion together with its geology as a whole.
Nevin Tanker has graduated as a pharmacist in 1954 and devoted her years to chcmistry and taxonomy of medicinal plants, At present she teaches pharmueemical botany at Faeulty Uf Pharmacy, Urıiversity of Ankara.
Mehmet Koyuncu has graduated as a botanist in 1968 and spent his years with taxonomy of plants. Ile has specialised in the Lily Family, Liliaeeae of Turkey, Al present ne teaches phartnaceutical botany and biolt.ıgy ut the same faeulty.
Semra Kurucu has graduated as a pharmacist in 1974 and spent her years with ehemistry and tuxonomy of medieinal plants. At present she teuehes pharrnaeognosy at the same faculty.