#smrgKİTABEVİ Croatian Levantines in Ottoman Istanbul - 2021

CHAPTER I Diplomats, Merchants, Physicians, Priests, Sailors and Slaves:Ragusans, Dalmatians and Croatians in Pre-Modern Galata and Pera Franks of Galata and Pera Ragusans and the Ottoman Empire Ragusan Merchants, Physicians, and Confidents The Cingria Family Ragusan Diplomats Luca Barca, the First Ragusan Consul Chirico: Dynasty of Consuls and Dragomans Ragusan Consul Georgio Zurich and His Legacy The End of the Ragusan Consulate and the Last Chiricos Sailors, Servants, Slaves and Fugitives: Ragusan Commoners, Dalmatians, and Croatians
CHAPTER II Croatian Immigrants in Modernizing Istanbul After the Republics of Dubrovnik and Venice: Dalmatians and Croatians in Istanbul under Austrian Protection Dalmatian and Croatian Maritime Proletariat: Miners, Workers, Gardeners, and Some Petty Criminals Humanitarian from Rijeka: Giacomo Anderlitch and the Artigiana Hospice Caring for Fellow Countrymen: The Benevolent Societies Beneficenza and St. Blaise From Adampol to Galata: Bosnian Franciscansand Their Mission Head and Heart of the fin de siècle K.u.K. Croatian Community: Gjuro Klaric The Man who Mapped Istanbul: Cartographer Jacques Pervititch and the Pervititch Family Between the Empire and the Republic
CHAPTER III Immigrants by the Book: The Zellich Family and its Lithographic Print House Antonio Zellich and Introduction of the Lithographic Press in the Ottoman Empire and its Capital Foundation of the Print House and Lithography A. Zellich& Fils The Golden Age of the A. Zellich Fils Print House and Constantinople's fin de siècle: the Second Generation Great War and Independence: Third Generation and the End of an Epoch Legacy of the Print House Zellich Epilogue. Multiple Identities of the Croatian Levantines Appendices
APPENDIX 1. The List of Decorated and Award-receiving Croatian Levantines
APPENDIX 2. The List of Books Published by the Print House Zellich
APPENDIX 3. The List of Magazines and Newspapers Published by the Print House Zellich Bibliography Index
CHAPTER I Diplomats, Merchants, Physicians, Priests, Sailors and Slaves:Ragusans, Dalmatians and Croatians in Pre-Modern Galata and Pera Franks of Galata and Pera Ragusans and the Ottoman Empire Ragusan Merchants, Physicians, and Confidents The Cingria Family Ragusan Diplomats Luca Barca, the First Ragusan Consul Chirico: Dynasty of Consuls and Dragomans Ragusan Consul Georgio Zurich and His Legacy The End of the Ragusan Consulate and the Last Chiricos Sailors, Servants, Slaves and Fugitives: Ragusan Commoners, Dalmatians, and Croatians
CHAPTER II Croatian Immigrants in Modernizing Istanbul After the Republics of Dubrovnik and Venice: Dalmatians and Croatians in Istanbul under Austrian Protection Dalmatian and Croatian Maritime Proletariat: Miners, Workers, Gardeners, and Some Petty Criminals Humanitarian from Rijeka: Giacomo Anderlitch and the Artigiana Hospice Caring for Fellow Countrymen: The Benevolent Societies Beneficenza and St. Blaise From Adampol to Galata: Bosnian Franciscansand Their Mission Head and Heart of the fin de siècle K.u.K. Croatian Community: Gjuro Klaric The Man who Mapped Istanbul: Cartographer Jacques Pervititch and the Pervititch Family Between the Empire and the Republic
CHAPTER III Immigrants by the Book: The Zellich Family and its Lithographic Print House Antonio Zellich and Introduction of the Lithographic Press in the Ottoman Empire and its Capital Foundation of the Print House and Lithography A. Zellich& Fils The Golden Age of the A. Zellich Fils Print House and Constantinople's fin de siècle: the Second Generation Great War and Independence: Third Generation and the End of an Epoch Legacy of the Print House Zellich Epilogue. Multiple Identities of the Croatian Levantines Appendices
APPENDIX 1. The List of Decorated and Award-receiving Croatian Levantines
APPENDIX 2. The List of Books Published by the Print House Zellich
APPENDIX 3. The List of Magazines and Newspapers Published by the Print House Zellich Bibliography Index