#smrgSAHAF Eczacıbaşı Fotoğraf Yıllığı 2009: İstanbul İstanbul -

İstanbul is not one city. It is a myriad cities. But that is something that we find very difficult accept. We find it rather frightening, that is why we insist on treating it as a single city and always refer it in the third person singular. Turkish nouns have no specific gender,so we are able to shelter although we all know very well that İstanbul has a very specıfıc gender.
İstanbul is not one city. It is a myriad cities. But that is something that we find very difficult accept. We find it rather frightening, that is why we insist on treating it as a single city and always refer it in the third person singular. Turkish nouns have no specific gender,so we are able to shelter although we all know very well that İstanbul has a very specıfıc gender.