19. yüzyılın gezgin fotoğrafçılarmın ı e kartpostal editörleriniıı objektiflerinden siizülenler...
Hafızasını yitirmiş bir kentin, yeniden var olma öyküsü...
Abandoned to its own fate after the 17th century, the city which was one of the most important port cities in the Greek and Roman epochs had a change in destiny in recent times thanks to the Izmir-Aydin railway. The revived story of a.city that was lost in history has hecin tiltered through the lens of postcard editors and travelling photographers during the 19th century.
19. yüzyılın gezgin fotoğrafçılarmın ı e kartpostal editörleriniıı objektiflerinden siizülenler...
Hafızasını yitirmiş bir kentin, yeniden var olma öyküsü...
Abandoned to its own fate after the 17th century, the city which was one of the most important port cities in the Greek and Roman epochs had a change in destiny in recent times thanks to the Izmir-Aydin railway. The revived story of a.city that was lost in history has hecin tiltered through the lens of postcard editors and travelling photographers during the 19th century.