#smrgKİTABEVİ Forty Days and Forty Nights : Weddings Festivals and Pageantry in the Ottoman Empire - 2021

Forty Days and Forty Nights is not only a great book title, but it also refers to fairy tales, which are the pinnacles of oral culture. For forty days and forty nights, protagonists struggle on journeys, their suffering, trials and tribulations destined to remain hidden; for forty days and forty nights they celebrate weddings whose details are left to the listener's imagination. Festivals enhanced by stories told as though they had taken place but yesterday, as though nothing had moved, not even by an inch, also relate the true story of a civilisation.
Metin And regards Ottoman festivals as an intersection of the arts; Forty Days and Forty Nights also contains his earlier, constructive suggestions for art historians. It was he who first ventured onto this path and persevered on it; his extraordinary efforts and intuition guide the reader as the trail he blazed invites further study.
Forty Days and Forty Nights is not only a great book title, but it also refers to fairy tales, which are the pinnacles of oral culture. For forty days and forty nights, protagonists struggle on journeys, their suffering, trials and tribulations destined to remain hidden; for forty days and forty nights they celebrate weddings whose details are left to the listener's imagination. Festivals enhanced by stories told as though they had taken place but yesterday, as though nothing had moved, not even by an inch, also relate the true story of a civilisation.
Metin And regards Ottoman festivals as an intersection of the arts; Forty Days and Forty Nights also contains his earlier, constructive suggestions for art historians. It was he who first ventured onto this path and persevered on it; his extraordinary efforts and intuition guide the reader as the trail he blazed invites further study.