Editor's introduction.--Carlyle's preface.--Musaeus: Johann August Musaeus [by Carlyle] Dumb love. Libussa. Melechsala.--Fouqué: Friedrich De La Motte Fouqué [by Carlyle] Aslauga's knight.--Tieck: Ludwig Tieck [by Carlyle] The fair-haired Eckbert. The trusty Eckart. The Runenberg. The elves. The goblet.
v. 2.
Hoffmann: E.T.W. Hoffmann [by Carlyle] The golden pot.--Richter: Jean Paul Friedrich Richter [by Carlyle] Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz. Life of Quintus Fixlein. Summary
Editor's introduction.--Carlyle's preface.--Musaeus: Johann August Musaeus [by Carlyle] Dumb love. Libussa. Melechsala.--Fouqué: Friedrich De La Motte Fouqué [by Carlyle] Aslauga's knight.--Tieck: Ludwig Tieck [by Carlyle] The fair-haired Eckbert. The trusty Eckart. The Runenberg. The elves. The goblet.
v. 2.
Hoffmann: E.T.W. Hoffmann [by Carlyle] The golden pot.--Richter: Jean Paul Friedrich Richter [by Carlyle] Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz. Life of Quintus Fixlein. Summary