#smrgKİTABEVİ Her Resim Bir Otoportredir = Every Paintings is a Self-Portrait -
RESSAM 1967'de İstanbul'da doğan Utku Dervent, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Resim Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. 1999 yılında düzenlenen 29. DYO Resim Yarışması'nda başarı ödülü alan sanatçının aynı yıl başlayan akademik hayatı, sırasıyla Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi, Kadir Has Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi'nde devam etti. Resimlerini uzun yıllardır biçim-uzam ve ışık-renk ilişkileri üzerinden kurgulayan Utku Dervent, soyut geometrik resimlerinde, bütünlük-uyum-denge gibi temel olguların olasılıklarını sorgulamakta, biçimlerin ilişkisini hikâyelerden arındırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Yapıtlarında görülen simetrik düzen anlayışında, bir dönem iç mimari ve dekorasyon alanında gerçekleştirdiği çalışmalar ve mimarlık eğitiminden etkiler göze çarpan Utku Dervent, mimarlık formasyonundan hareket ederek, soyut resmi geometrik olanaklar çerçevesinde çoğulluktan tekliğe uzanan bir yapı içinde kurgulamaktadır. Yapıtları çok sayıda kişisel ve karma sergide yer alan Utku Dervent, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nde öğretim görevlisi olarak ders vermektedir.
¨Each and every one of our relationships with the world are mirrors that reflect us back at ourselves. Every painting made, by way of relating to the world, is a self portrait as the painter's encounter with their own self. This is so because what the painter depicts in their work is a revelation, a disclosure of their perception of the world and in being so, it is the self itself. In time I realized that these thougts crystalized how I view art, what I think it is. I saw the abstract geometric assemblies where I work on relationships between colour and form emerge as the most direct, immediate way of self confrontation and self discovery for myself¨ says Utku Dervent. The selection of paintings Utku Dervent produced up until now is accompanied by texts of Oğuz Haşlakoğlu and Ümit İnatçı about his works.
UTKU DERVENT was born in Istanbul in 1967 and studied at the Department of Painting at the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts. The artist received a merit award the the 29th DYO Painting Contest in 1999 and started his academic career the same year, teaching at Yıldız Technical University, the International Cyprus University, Kadir Has University and Istanbul Aydın University. Defining his works on the relations of form and space as well as colour and light for many years, Utku Dervent questions abstract geometric constructions and the probability of basic phenomena such as unity, harmony and balance, aiming to purge the relationships created by forms from stories. Utku Dervent's internal architecture and decoration works, carrying traces of his architectural training, are notable for their symetrical layout; from an architectural standpoint, the artist structures abstract paintings according to geometric possibilities from multiplicity to unity. Utku Dervent's works have been featured in a number of personal and collaborative exhibitions and the artist is a Lecturer in Bahçeşehir University.
RESSAM 1967'de İstanbul'da doğan Utku Dervent, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Resim Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. 1999 yılında düzenlenen 29. DYO Resim Yarışması'nda başarı ödülü alan sanatçının aynı yıl başlayan akademik hayatı, sırasıyla Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Uluslararası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi, Kadir Has Üniversitesi ve İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi'nde devam etti. Resimlerini uzun yıllardır biçim-uzam ve ışık-renk ilişkileri üzerinden kurgulayan Utku Dervent, soyut geometrik resimlerinde, bütünlük-uyum-denge gibi temel olguların olasılıklarını sorgulamakta, biçimlerin ilişkisini hikâyelerden arındırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Yapıtlarında görülen simetrik düzen anlayışında, bir dönem iç mimari ve dekorasyon alanında gerçekleştirdiği çalışmalar ve mimarlık eğitiminden etkiler göze çarpan Utku Dervent, mimarlık formasyonundan hareket ederek, soyut resmi geometrik olanaklar çerçevesinde çoğulluktan tekliğe uzanan bir yapı içinde kurgulamaktadır. Yapıtları çok sayıda kişisel ve karma sergide yer alan Utku Dervent, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi'nde öğretim görevlisi olarak ders vermektedir.
¨Each and every one of our relationships with the world are mirrors that reflect us back at ourselves. Every painting made, by way of relating to the world, is a self portrait as the painter's encounter with their own self. This is so because what the painter depicts in their work is a revelation, a disclosure of their perception of the world and in being so, it is the self itself. In time I realized that these thougts crystalized how I view art, what I think it is. I saw the abstract geometric assemblies where I work on relationships between colour and form emerge as the most direct, immediate way of self confrontation and self discovery for myself¨ says Utku Dervent. The selection of paintings Utku Dervent produced up until now is accompanied by texts of Oğuz Haşlakoğlu and Ümit İnatçı about his works.
UTKU DERVENT was born in Istanbul in 1967 and studied at the Department of Painting at the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts. The artist received a merit award the the 29th DYO Painting Contest in 1999 and started his academic career the same year, teaching at Yıldız Technical University, the International Cyprus University, Kadir Has University and Istanbul Aydın University. Defining his works on the relations of form and space as well as colour and light for many years, Utku Dervent questions abstract geometric constructions and the probability of basic phenomena such as unity, harmony and balance, aiming to purge the relationships created by forms from stories. Utku Dervent's internal architecture and decoration works, carrying traces of his architectural training, are notable for their symetrical layout; from an architectural standpoint, the artist structures abstract paintings according to geometric possibilities from multiplicity to unity. Utku Dervent's works have been featured in a number of personal and collaborative exhibitions and the artist is a Lecturer in Bahçeşehir University.