#smrgSAHAF In Search of The Lost Tribe: The Origins and Making of The Croation Nation - 2003

Osman Karatay is the leading Balkanolog of Turkey, as well as a prominent historian, whose published books are: Ba'de Harab'il Bosna "After the Destruction of Bosnia" (Istanbul, 1997); Kosova Kanh Ova "Kosovo the Bloody Plain" (Istanbul, 1998); Balkanların Gülen Çehresi "The Smiling Face of the Balkans" (Ankara, 1999); Hırvat Ulusunun Oluşumu. Erken Ortaçağ'da Türk-Hırvat İlişkileri "The Making of the Croatian Nation. Turko-Croatian Relations in the Early Medieval" (Ankara, 2000); et al (editor), The Turks, 6 volumes (Ankara, 2002); translation from Peter B. Golden, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, "An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples" (Ankara, 2002); Bosna-Hersek Barış, Süreci "The Peace Process in Bosnia-Herzegovina" (Ankara, 2002); İran İle Turan: Hayali Milletler Cağında Avrasya ve Ortadoğu "Iran and Turan: Eurasia and the Middle East in the Age of Imaginary Nations" (Ankara, 2003); In Search of the Lost Tribe. The Origins and Making of the Croatian Nation (Corum, 2003). (From back cover)
Osman Karatay is the leading Balkanolog of Turkey, as well as a prominent historian, whose published books are: Ba'de Harab'il Bosna "After the Destruction of Bosnia" (Istanbul, 1997); Kosova Kanh Ova "Kosovo the Bloody Plain" (Istanbul, 1998); Balkanların Gülen Çehresi "The Smiling Face of the Balkans" (Ankara, 1999); Hırvat Ulusunun Oluşumu. Erken Ortaçağ'da Türk-Hırvat İlişkileri "The Making of the Croatian Nation. Turko-Croatian Relations in the Early Medieval" (Ankara, 2000); et al (editor), The Turks, 6 volumes (Ankara, 2002); translation from Peter B. Golden, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, "An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples" (Ankara, 2002); Bosna-Hersek Barış, Süreci "The Peace Process in Bosnia-Herzegovina" (Ankara, 2002); İran İle Turan: Hayali Milletler Cağında Avrasya ve Ortadoğu "Iran and Turan: Eurasia and the Middle East in the Age of Imaginary Nations" (Ankara, 2003); In Search of the Lost Tribe. The Origins and Making of the Croatian Nation (Corum, 2003). (From back cover)