Ottoman Belonging
HELEN PFEIFER Encounter after the Conquest: Scholarly Gatherings in 16th-Century Ottoman Damascus
SAMUEL DOLBEE AND SHAY HAZKANI “impossible Is Not Ottoman”: Menashe Meirovitch, ‘Isa al-‘lsa, and Imperial Citizenship in Palestine
Oppositional Subjectivities
LUIGI ACHILLI Becoming a Man in al-Wihdat: Masculine Performances in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in Jordan
PINAR KEMERLl Religious Militarism and Islamist Conscientious Objection in Turkey
Controversies in Medieval Islamic Thought
AARON M. HAGLER Sapping the Narrative: Ibn Kathir's Account of the sura of Uthman in Kitab al-Bidaya wa-l-Nihaya
ALI HUMAYUN AKHTAR The Political Controversy over Graeco-Arabic Philosophy and Sufism in Nasrid Government: The Case of Ibn al-Khatib in al-Andalus
ROUNDTAB LE The Digital Age in the Middle East
DAVID FARIS Multiplicities of Purpose: The Auditorium Building, the State, and the Transformation of Arab Digital Media ,
GHOLAM KHIABANY Technologies of Liberation and/or Otherwise
LINDA HERRERA Citizenship under Surveillance: Dealing with the Digital Age
ANNABELLE SREBERNY Women's Digital Activism in a Changing Middle East
BABAK RAHIMI Rethinking Digital Technologies in the Middle East
MUZAMMIL M. HUSSAlN AND SONIA JAWAID SHAIKH Three Arenas for Interrogating Digital Politics in Middle East Affairs
REVIEW ARTICLE AARON J AKES A New Materialism? Globalization and Technology in the Age of Empire
Ottoman Belonging
HELEN PFEIFER Encounter after the Conquest: Scholarly Gatherings in 16th-Century Ottoman Damascus
SAMUEL DOLBEE AND SHAY HAZKANI “impossible Is Not Ottoman”: Menashe Meirovitch, ‘Isa al-‘lsa, and Imperial Citizenship in Palestine
Oppositional Subjectivities
LUIGI ACHILLI Becoming a Man in al-Wihdat: Masculine Performances in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in Jordan
PINAR KEMERLl Religious Militarism and Islamist Conscientious Objection in Turkey
Controversies in Medieval Islamic Thought
AARON M. HAGLER Sapping the Narrative: Ibn Kathir's Account of the sura of Uthman in Kitab al-Bidaya wa-l-Nihaya
ALI HUMAYUN AKHTAR The Political Controversy over Graeco-Arabic Philosophy and Sufism in Nasrid Government: The Case of Ibn al-Khatib in al-Andalus
ROUNDTAB LE The Digital Age in the Middle East
DAVID FARIS Multiplicities of Purpose: The Auditorium Building, the State, and the Transformation of Arab Digital Media ,
GHOLAM KHIABANY Technologies of Liberation and/or Otherwise
LINDA HERRERA Citizenship under Surveillance: Dealing with the Digital Age
ANNABELLE SREBERNY Women's Digital Activism in a Changing Middle East
BABAK RAHIMI Rethinking Digital Technologies in the Middle East
MUZAMMIL M. HUSSAlN AND SONIA JAWAID SHAIKH Three Arenas for Interrogating Digital Politics in Middle East Affairs
REVIEW ARTICLE AARON J AKES A New Materialism? Globalization and Technology in the Age of Empire