Let me first explain what a tradesman's restaurant" is... ıt is a restaurant whose customers are tradesmen warking close-by. They are those tradesmen who have to eat outside every day. Can you imagine what kind of food these people look for in the restaurants where they eat roughly three hundred days of the year? And these are people who are mostly wealthy, with a discerning palate, demanding men who take a dim view of women lack cooking skills.
Let me first explain what a tradesman's restaurant" is... ıt is a restaurant whose customers are tradesmen warking close-by. They are those tradesmen who have to eat outside every day. Can you imagine what kind of food these people look for in the restaurants where they eat roughly three hundred days of the year? And these are people who are mostly wealthy, with a discerning palate, demanding men who take a dim view of women lack cooking skills.