#smrgKİTABEVİ Ivan Chermayeff: Kolajlar ve Küçük Heykeller = Collages and Small Sculptures - 2007

Onlarca yıldır topladığı bir yığın atık üstünde çalışan kolaj ustası Chermayeff, malzemeleri başlangıçtaki bağlamlarından soyutlar, müthiş bir karakter ve temsil özgünlüğü taşıyan figüratif biçimlere dönüştürür. Kolajlar aynı zamanda hem soyut, hem figüratif, hem maddeci, hem nesnel, hem özneldir, insanın elini kolunu bağlayan, süngüsünü düşüren cinstendir.
Ivan Chermayeff has been producing collages and assemblages for over forty years, utilizing the everyday ephemera collected in different parts of the world where he has worked and traveled. He saves the envelopes received from friends and colleagues, who send him abandoned gloves, discarded candy wrappers and other visual delights to add to those he has picked up on the streets of the world. Since the mid 1950s, Chermayeff has been practicing as a graphic designer, in New York with his partner Tom Geismar. His collages have been exhibited and published in the United States, Europe and Japan.
Onlarca yıldır topladığı bir yığın atık üstünde çalışan kolaj ustası Chermayeff, malzemeleri başlangıçtaki bağlamlarından soyutlar, müthiş bir karakter ve temsil özgünlüğü taşıyan figüratif biçimlere dönüştürür. Kolajlar aynı zamanda hem soyut, hem figüratif, hem maddeci, hem nesnel, hem özneldir, insanın elini kolunu bağlayan, süngüsünü düşüren cinstendir.
Ivan Chermayeff has been producing collages and assemblages for over forty years, utilizing the everyday ephemera collected in different parts of the world where he has worked and traveled. He saves the envelopes received from friends and colleagues, who send him abandoned gloves, discarded candy wrappers and other visual delights to add to those he has picked up on the streets of the world. Since the mid 1950s, Chermayeff has been practicing as a graphic designer, in New York with his partner Tom Geismar. His collages have been exhibited and published in the United States, Europe and Japan.