#smrgDERGİ Journal of Turkish Studies = Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları - Raiyyet Rüsumu 1 - 2: Essays Presented to Halil İnalcık on his Seventieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students - Sayı: 10 / 11

Avant-propos (Gilles Veinstein) Hall inalcik Bibliography BACQUE-GRAMMONT, Jean-Louis, Sur deux timariotes agresses dans la region de Florina en 1546
BELDICEANU, Nicoara-lrene, Notes sur In Bir, Les esclaves Tatars et quelques charges dans les pays Roumains
BENNIGSEN, Alexandre et LEMERCIER-QUELQUEJAY, Chantal, La poussee vers les mers chaudes et la barriere du Caucase
BERINDEI, Mihnea, L'Empire ottoman et la "route moldave" avant la conquete de Chilia et de Cetatea-alba (1484)
COHEN, Amon, Ritual Murder Accusations against the Jews during the Days of Suleiman the Magnificent
COOK, Michael, The Provenance of the Lam' al-Shihab Sirat Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab
ERGENC, Ozer, XVIII. Ytizyilda Osmanli Tatra Yonetiminin mall nitelikleri ESIN, Emel, Tonga and Odlek (On KUgati's Version of the Afrasiab/Tonga-Alp-Er Epic)
FAROQHI, Suraiya, Long-Term Change and the Ottoman Construction Site: A Study of Builders' Wages and Iron Prices
FINDLEY, Carter Vaughn, Factional Rivalry in Ottoman Istanbul: The Fall of Pertev Pala, 1837
FLEISCHER, Cornell H., Preliminaries to the Study of the Ottoman Bureaucracy
GERBER, Haim, Jewish Tax-farmers in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th Centuries
GOFFMAN, Daniel, The Capitulations and the Question of Authority in Levantine Trade 16 00-16 50
HALASI-KUN, Tibor, Some Notes on Ottoman Mufassal Defter Studies ISSAWI, Charles, Notes on the Trade of Basra, 1800-1914
JENNINGS, Ronald, The Population, Taxation, and Wealth in the Cities and Villages of Cyprus, According to the Detailed Population Survey (Defter-i Mufassal) of 1572
KAFADAR, Cemal, A Death in Venice (1575): Anatolian Muslim Merchants Trading in the Serenissima KREISER, Klaus, Icareteyn: Zur "Doppelten Micte" im Osmanischen Stiftungswesen
KUNT, I. Metin, Ottoman Names a nd Ottoman Ages
KUT, Günay, Esiri, his "Sergüzest" and his Other Works
Avant-propos (Gilles Veinstein) Hall inalcik Bibliography BACQUE-GRAMMONT, Jean-Louis, Sur deux timariotes agresses dans la region de Florina en 1546
BELDICEANU, Nicoara-lrene, Notes sur In Bir, Les esclaves Tatars et quelques charges dans les pays Roumains
BENNIGSEN, Alexandre et LEMERCIER-QUELQUEJAY, Chantal, La poussee vers les mers chaudes et la barriere du Caucase
BERINDEI, Mihnea, L'Empire ottoman et la "route moldave" avant la conquete de Chilia et de Cetatea-alba (1484)
COHEN, Amon, Ritual Murder Accusations against the Jews during the Days of Suleiman the Magnificent
COOK, Michael, The Provenance of the Lam' al-Shihab Sirat Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab
ERGENC, Ozer, XVIII. Ytizyilda Osmanli Tatra Yonetiminin mall nitelikleri ESIN, Emel, Tonga and Odlek (On KUgati's Version of the Afrasiab/Tonga-Alp-Er Epic)
FAROQHI, Suraiya, Long-Term Change and the Ottoman Construction Site: A Study of Builders' Wages and Iron Prices
FINDLEY, Carter Vaughn, Factional Rivalry in Ottoman Istanbul: The Fall of Pertev Pala, 1837
FLEISCHER, Cornell H., Preliminaries to the Study of the Ottoman Bureaucracy
GERBER, Haim, Jewish Tax-farmers in the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th Centuries
GOFFMAN, Daniel, The Capitulations and the Question of Authority in Levantine Trade 16 00-16 50
HALASI-KUN, Tibor, Some Notes on Ottoman Mufassal Defter Studies ISSAWI, Charles, Notes on the Trade of Basra, 1800-1914
JENNINGS, Ronald, The Population, Taxation, and Wealth in the Cities and Villages of Cyprus, According to the Detailed Population Survey (Defter-i Mufassal) of 1572
KAFADAR, Cemal, A Death in Venice (1575): Anatolian Muslim Merchants Trading in the Serenissima KREISER, Klaus, Icareteyn: Zur "Doppelten Micte" im Osmanischen Stiftungswesen
KUNT, I. Metin, Ottoman Names a nd Ottoman Ages
KUT, Günay, Esiri, his "Sergüzest" and his Other Works