#smrgKİTABEVİ Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus : on the Ruins of a Once Glorious Paphos - 2015
![Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus : on the Ruins of a Once Glorious Paphos - 2015](/u/simurgkitabevi/img/b/k/o/kouklia-in-nineteenth-century-cyprus-on-the-ruins-of-a-once-glorious-paphos-2015cdd89443b62b8e9d520e13f502f35615.jpg)
PART ONE S e t t l e m e n t s a n d P o p u l a t i o n o f K o u k l i a introduction
1. Nahiye of Kouklia (16th-17th centuries)
2. The kaza of Kouklia in the 19th-century censuses
2a. 1825
2b. 1831-1832
2c. 1833
2d. 1843-1844
3. The census of Kouklia on the eve of British rule
3a. The sources
3b. Settlments and Population (1876-1877) Inhabitants names Professions The disabled Military service Relocations and migrations Criminality Protégés
PART TWO T h e S o u r c e s Note on Orthography and Transliteration – Sigla Taşra Tasnifi Kıbrıs Mutasarrıflıgˆı Defteri no 41 Varidat Muhasebesi Defterleri, Temettuat Defteri no 16155 3. Nüfus Defteri no 3751
4. Nüfus Defteri no 3752
5. Register 35
6. Register 49
7. Register 45
8. Register 52
Glossary Bibliography Index
PART ONE S e t t l e m e n t s a n d P o p u l a t i o n o f K o u k l i a introduction
1. Nahiye of Kouklia (16th-17th centuries)
2. The kaza of Kouklia in the 19th-century censuses
2a. 1825
2b. 1831-1832
2c. 1833
2d. 1843-1844
3. The census of Kouklia on the eve of British rule
3a. The sources
3b. Settlments and Population (1876-1877) Inhabitants names Professions The disabled Military service Relocations and migrations Criminality Protégés
PART TWO T h e S o u r c e s Note on Orthography and Transliteration – Sigla Taşra Tasnifi Kıbrıs Mutasarrıflıgˆı Defteri no 41 Varidat Muhasebesi Defterleri, Temettuat Defteri no 16155 3. Nüfus Defteri no 3751
4. Nüfus Defteri no 3752
5. Register 35
6. Register 49
7. Register 45
8. Register 52
Glossary Bibliography Index