#smrgSAHAF Langenscheidt's Universal Dictionary English - Turkish / Turkish - English New and Revised Edition -

Abbreviations Used in this Dictionary
Bu Sözlükte Kullanılan Kısaltmalar
American Spelling
Amerikan İngilizcesinin Yazımı
Pronunciation of the Turkish Alphabet
Türkçe Alfabesinin Söylenişi
Guide to English Pronunciation
İngilizce Söylenişinin Temelleri
Turkish - English Vocabulary
Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük
English - Turkish Vocabulary
İngilizce - Türkçe Sözlük
Irregular Verbs
İngilizce'deki Kuralsız FiillerEnglish - Turkish /
This well-known "classic" among the pocket-sized dictionaries, now completely revised and brought up-to-date, features: Many new words recently coined by the Türk Dil Kurumu, Ankara Full pronunciation given, using letters of the Turkish alphabet Indication of prepositions and suffixes Clear and easy-to-read typography The best handy-sized reference for use at home, in the office, in school, and for travel.
Abbreviations Used in this Dictionary
Bu Sözlükte Kullanılan Kısaltmalar
American Spelling
Amerikan İngilizcesinin Yazımı
Pronunciation of the Turkish Alphabet
Türkçe Alfabesinin Söylenişi
Guide to English Pronunciation
İngilizce Söylenişinin Temelleri
Turkish - English Vocabulary
Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük
English - Turkish Vocabulary
İngilizce - Türkçe Sözlük
Irregular Verbs
İngilizce'deki Kuralsız FiillerEnglish - Turkish /
This well-known "classic" among the pocket-sized dictionaries, now completely revised and brought up-to-date, features: Many new words recently coined by the Türk Dil Kurumu, Ankara Full pronunciation given, using letters of the Turkish alphabet Indication of prepositions and suffixes Clear and easy-to-read typography The best handy-sized reference for use at home, in the office, in school, and for travel.