#smrgSAHAF Logo Design Workbook : A Hands-On Guide to Creating Logos - 2004

In the first half of the book, authors Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka walk readers step-by-step through the entire logo development process. Covered topics include: developing a concept that communicates the right message and is appropriate for both the client and the market; defining how the long term goals of the client might affect the look and needs of the mark; choosing thoughtful colors and typefaces; avoiding common mistakes; and deciphering why some logos are successful while others are not. The authors then take the design process one step further with an extensive exploration of the process of developing a graphic standards manual. By setting the range of flexibility, a logo is defined in terms of color, typography, placement, and additional elements. With the standards set, designers can feel confident that their work will maintain the original intent and strength through the mark's life.
The second portion of the book is composed of in-depth case studies on logos designed for a variety of industries. Each case study explores the design brief, the relationship with the client, the time frame, and the results. AdamsMorioka has created a powerful workbook that provides designers of all levels with all the tools they need to create logos that will succeed for their clients year after year.
In the first half of the book, authors Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka walk readers step-by-step through the entire logo development process. Covered topics include: developing a concept that communicates the right message and is appropriate for both the client and the market; defining how the long term goals of the client might affect the look and needs of the mark; choosing thoughtful colors and typefaces; avoiding common mistakes; and deciphering why some logos are successful while others are not. The authors then take the design process one step further with an extensive exploration of the process of developing a graphic standards manual. By setting the range of flexibility, a logo is defined in terms of color, typography, placement, and additional elements. With the standards set, designers can feel confident that their work will maintain the original intent and strength through the mark's life.
The second portion of the book is composed of in-depth case studies on logos designed for a variety of industries. Each case study explores the design brief, the relationship with the client, the time frame, and the results. AdamsMorioka has created a powerful workbook that provides designers of all levels with all the tools they need to create logos that will succeed for their clients year after year.