Eser, Kanûnî'nin devlet yöneticiliği, savaşları, zaferleri, bitmez tükenmez mücadelesi ile "muhteşem" sayılan tarihi şahsiyeti yanında; âdeta konuşur gibi şiir yazan ve Türk Edebiyatının en çok yazan şairlerinin başında gelen büyük padişahın yine '' muhteşem" diyebileceğimiz edebî şahsiyetini de gözler önüne sermektedir. Yorulmak bilmez bir savaş azmi ve gayreti ile son derece yoğun faaliyetler içerisinde bulunan bir şahsiyetin aynı zamanda bu kadar bol Ve güzel şiir yazması da ayrıca dikkat çekicidir.
Eser incelendiğinde; seferlerle, zaferlerle, çeşitli yurt ve dünya problemleriyle ömür boyu uğraşan Kanunî Sultan Süleyman'ın. Muhibbi mahlasıyla aşk heyecan, kahramanlık ve felsefî şiirler yazdığı; halk dilme atasözü mahiyetinde yerleşmiş edebi mısralar yanında dîvân şiirinin bütün inceliklerini yansıtan güzel, zarif ve duygulu aşk şiirleri de kaleme aldığı görülecektir. (Arka kapaktan)
This work of literature contains all of the poems of Süleyman the Lawgiver, who was a great ?Sultan as well as a great poet, and the translations of these approximately 3000 poems in modern. Turkish, The work reveals the Lawgiver's administration of the state, his battles, his victories, his endless struggles as well as his historic personality which we can consider magnificent and the literary personality of the great Sultan who could write poems as if he were speaking and was at the top among the poets, who wrote the most, in the Turkish literature.
It is also very striking that a personality, who had endless determination for war and very busy with dense activities, was able to write so many beautiful poems, Once it is examined, it will soon be found out that Sultan Süleyman the Lawgiver who was busy with campaigns, victories, domestic and world problems all his life long, wrote poems of love, heroism and philosophy under the pseudonym "Muhibbi". Along with literary lines which turned into proverbs among common people, he also wrote beautiful, witty and emotional poems of love revealing all fineness of the Divan literature. (From back cover)
Eser, Kanûnî'nin devlet yöneticiliği, savaşları, zaferleri, bitmez tükenmez mücadelesi ile "muhteşem" sayılan tarihi şahsiyeti yanında; âdeta konuşur gibi şiir yazan ve Türk Edebiyatının en çok yazan şairlerinin başında gelen büyük padişahın yine '' muhteşem" diyebileceğimiz edebî şahsiyetini de gözler önüne sermektedir. Yorulmak bilmez bir savaş azmi ve gayreti ile son derece yoğun faaliyetler içerisinde bulunan bir şahsiyetin aynı zamanda bu kadar bol Ve güzel şiir yazması da ayrıca dikkat çekicidir.
Eser incelendiğinde; seferlerle, zaferlerle, çeşitli yurt ve dünya problemleriyle ömür boyu uğraşan Kanunî Sultan Süleyman'ın. Muhibbi mahlasıyla aşk heyecan, kahramanlık ve felsefî şiirler yazdığı; halk dilme atasözü mahiyetinde yerleşmiş edebi mısralar yanında dîvân şiirinin bütün inceliklerini yansıtan güzel, zarif ve duygulu aşk şiirleri de kaleme aldığı görülecektir. (Arka kapaktan)
This work of literature contains all of the poems of Süleyman the Lawgiver, who was a great ?Sultan as well as a great poet, and the translations of these approximately 3000 poems in modern. Turkish, The work reveals the Lawgiver's administration of the state, his battles, his victories, his endless struggles as well as his historic personality which we can consider magnificent and the literary personality of the great Sultan who could write poems as if he were speaking and was at the top among the poets, who wrote the most, in the Turkish literature.
It is also very striking that a personality, who had endless determination for war and very busy with dense activities, was able to write so many beautiful poems, Once it is examined, it will soon be found out that Sultan Süleyman the Lawgiver who was busy with campaigns, victories, domestic and world problems all his life long, wrote poems of love, heroism and philosophy under the pseudonym "Muhibbi". Along with literary lines which turned into proverbs among common people, he also wrote beautiful, witty and emotional poems of love revealing all fineness of the Divan literature. (From back cover)