#smrgSAHAF Napoli Guida Guide Naples Reiseführer Neapel Camera di Commercio di Napoli (English Text) -
And yet this city has heen on its deathhen'for centuries; Siren Parthenope has heen doing miracles in the electronic village the negative side of thing is much more important, and it is much easier to perceive the restlessness as presented by the mass-media; the charm, seductive manner and uniqueness of this city are filtered out and never penetrate that iron curtain consisting of commonplaces, laminated by those who control information; these features never get through to the superficial tourism which come: here; only mayhe to those rare travellers.
And yet this city has heen on its deathhen'for centuries; Siren Parthenope has heen doing miracles in the electronic village the negative side of thing is much more important, and it is much easier to perceive the restlessness as presented by the mass-media; the charm, seductive manner and uniqueness of this city are filtered out and never penetrate that iron curtain consisting of commonplaces, laminated by those who control information; these features never get through to the superficial tourism which come: here; only mayhe to those rare travellers.