#smrgKİTABEVİ New Documents on Atatürk: Atatürk as Viewed Through the Eyes of American Diplomats - 2007
"Historians of modern Turkey and indeed anyone wishing to understand the present condition of that important and attractive country owe a debt of gratitude of Rıfat Bali for his tireless researches into archives and newspaper files. His numerous publications have focused largely on the experience of the Jewish community in Turkey, which he has examined with commendable candour. But he has also given us a delightful and well-documented account of changing life styles in Istanbul, and he has ventured abroad to trace the experiences of migrants of various ethnic origins who had left Turkey in search of a better life in America. Rıfat Bali has now added to his researches in the United States with this collection of American archival material bearing on the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founding father of the Turkish Republic and pre-eminent Turkish national hero."
I- New Documents On Atatürk
1. An Unpublıshed Letter By Atatürk's Ex-Wıfe Latife Hanım
2. Atatürk And Hıs Women
3. The Turkısh Government's Decısıon To Suppress Illıcıt Drug Productıon
4. The State Department's Reactıon To Artıcles Publıshed In The Amerıcan Press Concernıng Atatürk
5. Representatıon Of The Unıted States At The Funeral Of Atatürk
6. The Turkısh Press Reactıon To Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıl's Report On Atatürk's Vıews On Relıgıon Artıcle
II. Selected Documents From The Natıonal Archıves A Atatürk As Vıewed Through The Eyes Of Amerıcan Dıplomats
1. Ambassador Joseph C.Grew's Report On Atatürk
2. Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım G. Howland Shaw's Report On Atatürk
3. Consul General Charles E. Allen Report's On Atatürk: 'The Presıdent', Dated October 1931
4. Consul General Charles E. Allen's Report On Atatürk: 'The Presıdent', Dated March 1932
5. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew's Report On Atatürk
6. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Report Of Journalıst Asım Us' Vıews On Atatürk 6 Us Dıplomatıc Documents On Turkey
7. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Report On Atatürk
8. Ambassador Robert P. Skınner's Report On Atatürk
9. Ambassador Robert P. Skınners's Report On The Meetıng Between Atatürk And The Journalıst Gladys Baker
10. Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım, G. Howland Shaw's Evaluatıon Of Atatürk
11. 'The Egyptıan Fez Incıdent' As Vıewed By Amerıcan Consul General Charles E. Allen B ' Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Meetıngs Wıth Atatürk
1. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Request For Meetıng Atatürk
2. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Meetıng Wıth Atatürk
3. Charles H. Sherrıl's Artıcle: 'My Intervıews Wıth The Gazı' C ' Atatürk, Relıgıon And Islam
1. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew's Comments On Atatürk And Reform In Islam
2. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Comments On Atatürk's Vıew's On Relıgıon D ' A Meetıng Between Atatürk And Dr. Hans Hennıng Von Der Osten Of The Unıversıty Of Chıcago
1. Report Of Jefferson Patterson, Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım
2. Dr. Hans Hennıng Von Der Osten's Memorandum On Hıs Meetıng Wıth Atatürk E ' A Secret And Mysterıous Contact Wıth The State Department
1. Fırst Informatıon On Salih Adil Bey
2. Salih Adil Bey Contacts The State Department
3. Wallace Murray's Letter To G. Howland Shaw Bıblıography
"Historians of modern Turkey and indeed anyone wishing to understand the present condition of that important and attractive country owe a debt of gratitude of Rıfat Bali for his tireless researches into archives and newspaper files. His numerous publications have focused largely on the experience of the Jewish community in Turkey, which he has examined with commendable candour. But he has also given us a delightful and well-documented account of changing life styles in Istanbul, and he has ventured abroad to trace the experiences of migrants of various ethnic origins who had left Turkey in search of a better life in America. Rıfat Bali has now added to his researches in the United States with this collection of American archival material bearing on the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founding father of the Turkish Republic and pre-eminent Turkish national hero."
I- New Documents On Atatürk
1. An Unpublıshed Letter By Atatürk's Ex-Wıfe Latife Hanım
2. Atatürk And Hıs Women
3. The Turkısh Government's Decısıon To Suppress Illıcıt Drug Productıon
4. The State Department's Reactıon To Artıcles Publıshed In The Amerıcan Press Concernıng Atatürk
5. Representatıon Of The Unıted States At The Funeral Of Atatürk
6. The Turkısh Press Reactıon To Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıl's Report On Atatürk's Vıews On Relıgıon Artıcle
II. Selected Documents From The Natıonal Archıves A Atatürk As Vıewed Through The Eyes Of Amerıcan Dıplomats
1. Ambassador Joseph C.Grew's Report On Atatürk
2. Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım G. Howland Shaw's Report On Atatürk
3. Consul General Charles E. Allen Report's On Atatürk: 'The Presıdent', Dated October 1931
4. Consul General Charles E. Allen's Report On Atatürk: 'The Presıdent', Dated March 1932
5. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew's Report On Atatürk
6. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Report Of Journalıst Asım Us' Vıews On Atatürk 6 Us Dıplomatıc Documents On Turkey
7. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Report On Atatürk
8. Ambassador Robert P. Skınner's Report On Atatürk
9. Ambassador Robert P. Skınners's Report On The Meetıng Between Atatürk And The Journalıst Gladys Baker
10. Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım, G. Howland Shaw's Evaluatıon Of Atatürk
11. 'The Egyptıan Fez Incıdent' As Vıewed By Amerıcan Consul General Charles E. Allen B ' Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Meetıngs Wıth Atatürk
1. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Request For Meetıng Atatürk
2. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Meetıng Wıth Atatürk
3. Charles H. Sherrıl's Artıcle: 'My Intervıews Wıth The Gazı' C ' Atatürk, Relıgıon And Islam
1. Ambassador Joseph C. Grew's Comments On Atatürk And Reform In Islam
2. Ambassador Charles H. Sherrıll's Comments On Atatürk's Vıew's On Relıgıon D ' A Meetıng Between Atatürk And Dr. Hans Hennıng Von Der Osten Of The Unıversıty Of Chıcago
1. Report Of Jefferson Patterson, Chargé D'affaıres Ad Interım
2. Dr. Hans Hennıng Von Der Osten's Memorandum On Hıs Meetıng Wıth Atatürk E ' A Secret And Mysterıous Contact Wıth The State Department
1. Fırst Informatıon On Salih Adil Bey
2. Salih Adil Bey Contacts The State Department
3. Wallace Murray's Letter To G. Howland Shaw Bıblıography