#smrgSAHAF Please No Police: A Novela - 1992

Other New Translations of Modern Middle Eastern Fiction, Memoirs and Poetry
By the Pen by Jalal Al-e Ahmad (Iran)
Maze of Justice by Tawfik Al-Hakim (Egypt)
Year of the Elephant by Leila Abouzeid (Morocco)
The Literature o f Modern Arabia edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi (Arabian Peninsula)
All That's Left to You by Ghassan Kanafani (Gaza)
Egyptian Earth by Abdel Al-Sharqawi (Egypt)
An Introduction to Arab Poetics by Adonis (Lebanon)
Istanbul Boy, Part III by Aziz Nesin (Turkey)
Stories by Iranian Women Since the Revolution edited by Soraya Sullivan (Iran)
The Sheltered Quarter by Hamza Bogary (Saudi Arabia)
Other New Translations of Modern Middle Eastern Fiction, Memoirs and Poetry
By the Pen by Jalal Al-e Ahmad (Iran)
Maze of Justice by Tawfik Al-Hakim (Egypt)
Year of the Elephant by Leila Abouzeid (Morocco)
The Literature o f Modern Arabia edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi (Arabian Peninsula)
All That's Left to You by Ghassan Kanafani (Gaza)
Egyptian Earth by Abdel Al-Sharqawi (Egypt)
An Introduction to Arab Poetics by Adonis (Lebanon)
Istanbul Boy, Part III by Aziz Nesin (Turkey)
Stories by Iranian Women Since the Revolution edited by Soraya Sullivan (Iran)
The Sheltered Quarter by Hamza Bogary (Saudi Arabia)