#smrgKİTABEVİ Research in Islamic Civilisation : Outlook for the Coming Decade - 1992
Co-editors: Ahmed Lajimi and Zeynep Durukal,
İstanbul, 1992 (in English and Arabic),
This book contains thirteen papers published in theiroriginal language of presentation, i.e.either English or Arabic, and the opening and closing speeches of the seminar. It reflects a first evaluation of the problems and prospects of research in Islamic civilisation, by a group of scholars and researchers directly in volved in this field.
Co-editors: Ahmed Lajimi and Zeynep Durukal,
İstanbul, 1992 (in English and Arabic),
This book contains thirteen papers published in theiroriginal language of presentation, i.e.either English or Arabic, and the opening and closing speeches of the seminar. It reflects a first evaluation of the problems and prospects of research in Islamic civilisation, by a group of scholars and researchers directly in volved in this field.