#smrgKİTABEVİ Studies on Ottoman Nicosia : From the Ottoman Conquest to the Early British Period - 2019

Vera Costantini, An Old Location's New Life: Early-Ottoman Lefkoşa
Recep Dündar, Nicosia according to the Population and Taxation Survey of 1572
Mehmet Akif Erdoğru, The New Status Quo of the Monasteries of Cyprus after the Ottoman Conquest
Mehmet Demiryürek, The Price of the Faith: Mukataa-i Patrikiyye-i Cezire-i Kıbrıs and Mukataa-i Şem‘hâne (1572-1612)
Styliani N. Lepida, Nicosia: The Capital City of an Ottoman Province in the Seventeenth Century
Mustafa Öztürk, Cypriot Houses and Life at Home in the 17th Century
Kemal Çiçek, A Quest for Justice in a Mixed Society: The Muslims and the Orthodox Cypriots Before the Sharia Court of Nicosia
Alİ Efdal Özkul, Inter-communal Relations in Cyprus under Ottoman Rule in the 18th Century
Ioannis P. Theoharides, The Revenues of the Vali of Nicosia accorging to a firman of 1706
Theoharis Stavrides, Ottoman Nicosia Besieged: Sieges and Blockades of Nicosia in the Long Eighteenth Century
Elnur Agayev, Ottoman Nicosia from the Perspective of the Russian Monk and Traveller Vasili Grigorovich Barsky
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-EgoumenIdou, An Alternative Ethnology: Lifestyle and Behavior of the Orthodox Elite in Ottoman Nicosia, 1775-1821
Michalis N. Michael, Dependency/Autonomy, Power and Ideologies in Ottoman Nicosia at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century
Mehmet Demiryürek and Hakan Yazar, Nicosia according to the Census of 1831
Ioannis Moutsis, Education in Ottoman Nicosia: In Quest for Modernity
Stephen Boys Smith, Thomas Sandwith: A Consul's View of Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cyprus
Gökhan Kaya, Some Characteristics of the Population of NicosiaDuring the Early Period of British Rule
Vera Costantini, An Old Location's New Life: Early-Ottoman Lefkoşa
Recep Dündar, Nicosia according to the Population and Taxation Survey of 1572
Mehmet Akif Erdoğru, The New Status Quo of the Monasteries of Cyprus after the Ottoman Conquest
Mehmet Demiryürek, The Price of the Faith: Mukataa-i Patrikiyye-i Cezire-i Kıbrıs and Mukataa-i Şem‘hâne (1572-1612)
Styliani N. Lepida, Nicosia: The Capital City of an Ottoman Province in the Seventeenth Century
Mustafa Öztürk, Cypriot Houses and Life at Home in the 17th Century
Kemal Çiçek, A Quest for Justice in a Mixed Society: The Muslims and the Orthodox Cypriots Before the Sharia Court of Nicosia
Alİ Efdal Özkul, Inter-communal Relations in Cyprus under Ottoman Rule in the 18th Century
Ioannis P. Theoharides, The Revenues of the Vali of Nicosia accorging to a firman of 1706
Theoharis Stavrides, Ottoman Nicosia Besieged: Sieges and Blockades of Nicosia in the Long Eighteenth Century
Elnur Agayev, Ottoman Nicosia from the Perspective of the Russian Monk and Traveller Vasili Grigorovich Barsky
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-EgoumenIdou, An Alternative Ethnology: Lifestyle and Behavior of the Orthodox Elite in Ottoman Nicosia, 1775-1821
Michalis N. Michael, Dependency/Autonomy, Power and Ideologies in Ottoman Nicosia at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century
Mehmet Demiryürek and Hakan Yazar, Nicosia according to the Census of 1831
Ioannis Moutsis, Education in Ottoman Nicosia: In Quest for Modernity
Stephen Boys Smith, Thomas Sandwith: A Consul's View of Mid-Nineteenth-Century Cyprus
Gökhan Kaya, Some Characteristics of the Population of NicosiaDuring the Early Period of British Rule