#smrgKİTABEVİ Suicide of Democracies : Pseudodemocracies - 2022

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
A whole is the sum of its parts, and the total cannot be better than its parts, so if you want to understand how a democratic system works, look at its parts.
Bernard Shaw
There is no real democracy in a society where people are insulted and humiliated because of their opinions.
Isaac Newton
Democracy is education. In the uneducated masses, democracy becomes an oligarchy. If it continues, demagogues will arise. Dictators emerge from demagogues.
Democracy is the most advanced form of despotism.
I would rather speak and die as I wish than live and talk as they want to.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
A whole is the sum of its parts, and the total cannot be better than its parts, so if you want to understand how a democratic system works, look at its parts.
Bernard Shaw
There is no real democracy in a society where people are insulted and humiliated because of their opinions.
Isaac Newton
Democracy is education. In the uneducated masses, democracy becomes an oligarchy. If it continues, demagogues will arise. Dictators emerge from demagogues.
Democracy is the most advanced form of despotism.
I would rather speak and die as I wish than live and talk as they want to.