#smrgDERGİ Technology And Culture - The International Quarterly Of The Society For The History Of Technology - Volume: 40 Number: 3 July

When Computers Were Women: Jennifer S. Light
Ski - Dogs, Pol - Cats, And The Mechanization Of Winter: The Development Of Recreational Snowmobiling In North America: Leonard S. Reich
System In The South: John W. Mallet, Josiah Gorgas, And Uniform Production At The Confederate Ordnance Department: Steven G. Collins
Mulholland Highway And The Engineering Culture Of Los Angeles In The 1920s: Matthew W. Roth
Research Note: Longbow And Hackbutt: Weapons Technology And Technology Transfer In Early Modern England: Gervase Phillips
On The Cover
Kill Devil Hills, 17 Decemner 1903: Tom D. Crouch
Review Essay
A History Of Modern European Technology: The Propylaen Tecknikgeschicte: Michael Allen
Presidential Address
No Mere Technicalities: How Things Work And Why It Matters: Robert C. Post
The Dexter Prize
The Abbortt Payson Usher Prize
The Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize
The Samuel Eleazer And Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize
The IEEE Life Members' Prize In Electrical History
The Dibner Award For Excellence In Museum Exhibits
The Leonardo Da Vinci Medal
Organizational Notes
The Baltimore Meeting, 15 - 18 October 1998
Book Reviews
Merritt Roe Smith And Gregory Clancey, Eds., Major Problems In The Histroy Of American Technology: Stephen H. Cutclifee
Jeremy Black, Maps And Politics: Josef W. Konvitz
Steven Vogel, Cats' Paws And Catapults: Mechanical Worlds Of Nature And People: Frederick Allen
Lu Ann De Cunzo And Bernard L. Herman, Eds. Historical Archaeology And Study Of American Culture: Laurie A. Wilkie
Boel Berner, Ed., Gendered Practices: Feminist Studies Of Technology And Society: Rebecca Herzig
Lynn T. Courtenay, Ed., The Engineering Of Medieval Cathedrals: Richard A. Sundt
Elizabeth Bradford Smith And Michael Wolfe, Eds., Technology And Resource Use In Medieval Europe: John Muendel
Chandra Mukerji, Territorial Ambitions And The Gardens Of Versailles: Claudia Lazzaro
James A. Bear Jr. And Lucia C. Stanton, Eds. Jefferson's Memorandum Books: Accounts, With Legal Records And Miscellany, 1767 - 1826: C. M. Harris
Jane Kate Leonard, Controlling From Afar: The Daoguang Emperor's Management Of The Grand Canal Crisis, 1924 - 1926: Mark Elvin
John F. Stover, American Railroads: Jon R. Huibregtse
Stephan Deutinger, Bayerns Weg Zur Eisenbahn: Joseph Von Baader
Und Die Frühtzeit Der Eisenbahn In Bayern, 1800 Bis 1835: Frederick C. Gamst
James Brophy, Capitalism, Politics, And Railroads In Prussia, 1830 - 1870: Raymond Stokes
Erik Baark, Lightning Wires: The Telegraph And China's Technological Modernization, 1860 - 1890: J. Robert Selman
Nasir Tyabji, Colonialism, Chemical Technology, And Industry In Southern India, 1880 - 1937: Tara Sethia
Alan Dye, Cuban Sugar In The Age Of Mass Production: Technology And The Economics Of The Sugar Central, 1899 - 1929: Alejandro Garcia Alvarez
Lindy Biggs, The Rational Factory: Arhitecture, Technology, And Work In America's Age Of Mass Production: Bruce E. Seely
Gary Bryan Magee, Productivity And Performance In The Paper Industry: Labour, Capital And Technology In Britain And America, 1860 - 1914: Richard L. Hills
Jeffrey K. Cruikshank And David B. Sicilia, The Engine That Could: 75 Years Of Values - Driven Change At Cummins Engine Company: Albert Churella
Louis Galambos And Jane Eliot Sewell, Networks Of Innovation: Vaccine Development At Merck, Sharp, Dohme, And Mulford, 1895 - 1995: W. Bernard Carlson
G. Pascal Zachary, Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer Of The American Century: Ross Bassett
Crawford Mackeand, Sparks And Flames: Ignition In Engines - An Historical Approach: Ray E. Hooley
John D. Anderson Jr., A History Of Aerodynamics And Its Impact On Flying Machines: Roger D. Launius
Eric Rieth, Technologies, Ideologies, Pratiques: Revue D'Anthropologie Des Connaissances 13, No. 1 (1998): Larrie, D. Ferreiro
Kenneth Poolman, The Winning Edge: Naval Technology In Action, 1939 - 1945: Russell I. Fires
Armand Mattelart, The Invention Of Communication: Aristotle Tympas
Thomas C. Jepsen, Ma Kiley: The Life Of A Railroad
Telegrapher: Janet F. Davidson
William S. Rodner, J. M. W. Turner: Romantic Painter Of The Industrial Revolution And Betsy Fahlman: John Ferguson Weir: The Labor Of Art: John F. Kasson
Patrick Maynard, The Engine Of Visualization: Thinking Through Photography: Patricica Jonhston
Patricia Johnston, Real Fantasies: Edward Steichen's Advertising Photography: Regina Lee Blaszczyk
Leo Charney And Venessa R. Schawartz, Eds. Cinema And The Invention Of Modern Life: George Potamianos
Paul Theberge, Any Sound You Can Imagine: Making Music / Consuming Technology: Susa Schmindt Horning
Toru Mitsui And Shushei Hosokawa, Eds., Karaoke Around The World: Global Technology, Local Singing: Edward Jay Pershey
Sarah Stage And Virginia B. Vincenti, Eds. Rethinkinh Home Economics: Women And The History Of A Profession: Janet Golden
James L. Cooper, Artistry And Ingenuity In Artificial Stone: Indiana's Concrete Bridges, 1900 - 1942: Steven A. Walton
Keith Wailoo, Drawing Blood: Technology And Disease Identity In Twentieth - Century America: Melbourne Tapper
Marc Berg, Rationalizing Medical Work: Decision - Support Techniques And Medical Practices: Marcia L. Meldrum
Daniel C. Dennett, Brainchildren: Essays On Designing Minds: Stuart Bennett
When Computers Were Women: Jennifer S. Light
Ski - Dogs, Pol - Cats, And The Mechanization Of Winter: The Development Of Recreational Snowmobiling In North America: Leonard S. Reich
System In The South: John W. Mallet, Josiah Gorgas, And Uniform Production At The Confederate Ordnance Department: Steven G. Collins
Mulholland Highway And The Engineering Culture Of Los Angeles In The 1920s: Matthew W. Roth
Research Note: Longbow And Hackbutt: Weapons Technology And Technology Transfer In Early Modern England: Gervase Phillips
On The Cover
Kill Devil Hills, 17 Decemner 1903: Tom D. Crouch
Review Essay
A History Of Modern European Technology: The Propylaen Tecknikgeschicte: Michael Allen
Presidential Address
No Mere Technicalities: How Things Work And Why It Matters: Robert C. Post
The Dexter Prize
The Abbortt Payson Usher Prize
The Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize
The Samuel Eleazer And Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize
The IEEE Life Members' Prize In Electrical History
The Dibner Award For Excellence In Museum Exhibits
The Leonardo Da Vinci Medal
Organizational Notes
The Baltimore Meeting, 15 - 18 October 1998
Book Reviews
Merritt Roe Smith And Gregory Clancey, Eds., Major Problems In The Histroy Of American Technology: Stephen H. Cutclifee
Jeremy Black, Maps And Politics: Josef W. Konvitz
Steven Vogel, Cats' Paws And Catapults: Mechanical Worlds Of Nature And People: Frederick Allen
Lu Ann De Cunzo And Bernard L. Herman, Eds. Historical Archaeology And Study Of American Culture: Laurie A. Wilkie
Boel Berner, Ed., Gendered Practices: Feminist Studies Of Technology And Society: Rebecca Herzig
Lynn T. Courtenay, Ed., The Engineering Of Medieval Cathedrals: Richard A. Sundt
Elizabeth Bradford Smith And Michael Wolfe, Eds., Technology And Resource Use In Medieval Europe: John Muendel
Chandra Mukerji, Territorial Ambitions And The Gardens Of Versailles: Claudia Lazzaro
James A. Bear Jr. And Lucia C. Stanton, Eds. Jefferson's Memorandum Books: Accounts, With Legal Records And Miscellany, 1767 - 1826: C. M. Harris
Jane Kate Leonard, Controlling From Afar: The Daoguang Emperor's Management Of The Grand Canal Crisis, 1924 - 1926: Mark Elvin
John F. Stover, American Railroads: Jon R. Huibregtse
Stephan Deutinger, Bayerns Weg Zur Eisenbahn: Joseph Von Baader
Und Die Frühtzeit Der Eisenbahn In Bayern, 1800 Bis 1835: Frederick C. Gamst
James Brophy, Capitalism, Politics, And Railroads In Prussia, 1830 - 1870: Raymond Stokes
Erik Baark, Lightning Wires: The Telegraph And China's Technological Modernization, 1860 - 1890: J. Robert Selman
Nasir Tyabji, Colonialism, Chemical Technology, And Industry In Southern India, 1880 - 1937: Tara Sethia
Alan Dye, Cuban Sugar In The Age Of Mass Production: Technology And The Economics Of The Sugar Central, 1899 - 1929: Alejandro Garcia Alvarez
Lindy Biggs, The Rational Factory: Arhitecture, Technology, And Work In America's Age Of Mass Production: Bruce E. Seely
Gary Bryan Magee, Productivity And Performance In The Paper Industry: Labour, Capital And Technology In Britain And America, 1860 - 1914: Richard L. Hills
Jeffrey K. Cruikshank And David B. Sicilia, The Engine That Could: 75 Years Of Values - Driven Change At Cummins Engine Company: Albert Churella
Louis Galambos And Jane Eliot Sewell, Networks Of Innovation: Vaccine Development At Merck, Sharp, Dohme, And Mulford, 1895 - 1995: W. Bernard Carlson
G. Pascal Zachary, Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer Of The American Century: Ross Bassett
Crawford Mackeand, Sparks And Flames: Ignition In Engines - An Historical Approach: Ray E. Hooley
John D. Anderson Jr., A History Of Aerodynamics And Its Impact On Flying Machines: Roger D. Launius
Eric Rieth, Technologies, Ideologies, Pratiques: Revue D'Anthropologie Des Connaissances 13, No. 1 (1998): Larrie, D. Ferreiro
Kenneth Poolman, The Winning Edge: Naval Technology In Action, 1939 - 1945: Russell I. Fires
Armand Mattelart, The Invention Of Communication: Aristotle Tympas
Thomas C. Jepsen, Ma Kiley: The Life Of A Railroad
Telegrapher: Janet F. Davidson
William S. Rodner, J. M. W. Turner: Romantic Painter Of The Industrial Revolution And Betsy Fahlman: John Ferguson Weir: The Labor Of Art: John F. Kasson
Patrick Maynard, The Engine Of Visualization: Thinking Through Photography: Patricica Jonhston
Patricia Johnston, Real Fantasies: Edward Steichen's Advertising Photography: Regina Lee Blaszczyk
Leo Charney And Venessa R. Schawartz, Eds. Cinema And The Invention Of Modern Life: George Potamianos
Paul Theberge, Any Sound You Can Imagine: Making Music / Consuming Technology: Susa Schmindt Horning
Toru Mitsui And Shushei Hosokawa, Eds., Karaoke Around The World: Global Technology, Local Singing: Edward Jay Pershey
Sarah Stage And Virginia B. Vincenti, Eds. Rethinkinh Home Economics: Women And The History Of A Profession: Janet Golden
James L. Cooper, Artistry And Ingenuity In Artificial Stone: Indiana's Concrete Bridges, 1900 - 1942: Steven A. Walton
Keith Wailoo, Drawing Blood: Technology And Disease Identity In Twentieth - Century America: Melbourne Tapper
Marc Berg, Rationalizing Medical Work: Decision - Support Techniques And Medical Practices: Marcia L. Meldrum
Daniel C. Dennett, Brainchildren: Essays On Designing Minds: Stuart Bennett