#smrgDERGİ Technology And Culture - The International Quarterly Of The Society For The History Of Technology - Volume: 41 - Number: 3 July

Opening Black's Box: Rethinking Feedback's Myth Of Origin: David A. Mindell
National Science In The Nation's Heartland: The Ames Laboratory And Iowa State University, 1942 - 1965: Joanne Abel Goldman
A Network Of Tinkerers: The Advent Of The Radio And Television Receiver Industry In Japan: Yuzo Takahashi
Women Walikng Through Plans: Technology, Democracy, And Gender Identity: Wiebe E. Bijker And Karin Bijsterveld
Museum Reviews
Museum In Central Europe: A Traveler's Introduction: William S. Pretzer
The Deutsches Museum: Idea, Realization, And Objectives: Wolf Peter Fehlhammer And Wilhelm Fuessi
Munnich's Technology Collections: Eva A. Mayring
Museums Of Technology In Germany: Stefan Zeillinger And Michael Hascher
Poised For The New Millennium: The Techinal Museums of Prague, Vienna, And Berlin: Louis P. Hutchins
Review Essay
The Historian In The Rose Garden?: Kenneth Lipartito
The Dexter Prize
The Sally Hacker Prize
The Abbott Payson Usher Prize
The Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize
Samuel Eleazar And Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize
The IEEE Life Members' Prize In Electrical History
The Dibner Award Of Excellence In Museum Exhibits
Organizational Notes
The Detroit Meeting, 7 - 10 October 1999
Book Reviews
James E. McClellan III And Harold Dorn, Science And Technology In World History: Peter Hugill
Peter J. Hugill, Global Communications Since 1844: Geopolitics And Technology: Richard R. John
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates Of Human Societies: Suzanne Moon
Arnulf Grübler, Technology And Global Change: Wybreen Verstegen
Roger Guesneries And François Hartog, Eds., Des Sciences Et Des Techinques: Un Debat: Guillaume De Syon
Arnold Pacey, Meaning In Technology: George Basalla
The Twenty - One Books Of Engineering And Machines Of Juanelo Turriano: Jose Altushuler
Roderick Webster And Marjorie Webster, Western Astrolabes: Emilie Savage - Smith
Marika Hedin And Ulf Larsson, Eds., Teknikens Landskap: En Teknik - Historisk Antologi Tillagnad Svante Lindqvist: Ole Hyldtoft
Maria Agren, Ed., Iron - Making Societies: Early Industrial Development In Sweden And Russia, 1600 - 1900: Larry Lankton
Donald B. Wagner, The Traditional Chinese Iron Industry And Its Modern Fate: Roland Spickermann
Anne - Françoise Garçon: Mine Et Metal, 1780 - 1880: Les Nonferreux Et L'Industrialisation
John Pannabecker
Michel Cotte, Le Fonds D'Archives Seguin: Aux Origines De La Revloution Industrielle En France 1790 - 1860: J. B. Gough
Antoine Picon, French Architects And Engineers In The Age Of Enlightenment: Ken Alder
Mary N. Woods, From Craft To Profession: The Practice Of Architecture In Nineteenth - Century America: Sharon Irish
Betsy Hunter Bradley, The Works: The Industrial Architecture Of The United States: Charles K. Hyde
Gail Cooper, Air - Conditioning America: Engineers And The Controlled Environment, 1900 - 1960: Regian Lee Blaszczyk
Mikael Hard And Andrew Jamison, Eds., The Intellectual Appropriation Of Technology: Discourses On Modernity, 1900 - 1939: Jeffrey Lewis
Hans - Liudger Dienal, Ed., Der Optimismus Der Ingenieure: Triumph Der Technik In Der Krise Der Moderne Um 1900: Mikael Hard
Paula A. Treichler, Lisa Cartwright, And Constance Penley, Eds., The Visible Woman: Imaging Technologies, Gender, And Science: Karen Newman
Rachel P. Maines, The Technology Of Orgasm: “Hysteria,” The Vibrator, And Women's Sexual Satisfaction: Julie Wosk
Klaus Plitzner, Ed., Elektirizitat In Der Geistesgeschichte,, And Beate Binder, Elektrifizierung Als Vision: Zur Symbolgeschichte Einer Technik Im Alltag: Maria Osietzki
Paul Israel, Edison: A Life Of Invention: Ronald R. Kline
Wilfried Feldenkirchen, Siemens, 1918 - 1945: Kees Gispen
Jay L. Brigham, Empowering The West: Electrical Politics Before FDR: James C. Williams
Bruce Hevly And John M. Findlay, Eds., The Atomic West: William Deverell
Steven Stoll, The Fruits Of Natural Advantage: Making The Industrial Countryside In California: Jack Temple Kirby
Dirk Van Laak, Weise Elefanten: Anspruch Und Scheidtern
Technischer Grosprojekte Um 20. Jahrhundert: Alexander Gall
Thomas P. Hughes, Rescuing Prometheus: Thomas K. McCraw
Bob Johnstone, We Were Burning: Japanes Entrepreneurs And The Forging Of The Electronic Age: Richard Florida
Herbert Kubicek, William H. Dutton, And Robin Williams, Eds., The Social Shaping Of Information Superhighways: European And American Roads To The Information Society: Gregory A. Marks
Michael Riordan And Lilian Hoddeson, Crystal Fire: The Birth Of The Information Age: Arthur P. Molella
Erik Mattie, World's Fairs: John Stamper
Keith Walden, Becoming Moder In Toronto: The Industrial Exhibition And The Shaping Of A Late Victorian Culture: Norman R. Ball
E. A. Heamen, The Inglorious Arts Of Peace: Exhibitions In Canadian Society During The Nineteenth Century: Elwood Jones
Donald H. Avery, The Science Of War: Canadian Scientists And Allied Military Technology During The Second World War: Randall C. Brooks
James L. George, History Of Warships: From Ancient Times To The Twenty - First Century: David McGee
Dwayne A. Day, John M. Logsdon, And Brian Latell, Eds., Eye In The Sky: The Story Of The Corona Spy Satellites: Dag Spiceer
Lena Andersson - Skog And Olle Krantz, Eds., Institutions In The Transport And Communications Industries: State And Private Actors In The Making Of Institutional Patterns, 1850 - 1990: Colin Divall
David O. Stowell, Streets, Railroads, And The Great Strike Of 1877: Scott Molloy
David M. Young, Chicago Transit: An Illustrated History: Zachary M. Schrag
Opening Black's Box: Rethinking Feedback's Myth Of Origin: David A. Mindell
National Science In The Nation's Heartland: The Ames Laboratory And Iowa State University, 1942 - 1965: Joanne Abel Goldman
A Network Of Tinkerers: The Advent Of The Radio And Television Receiver Industry In Japan: Yuzo Takahashi
Women Walikng Through Plans: Technology, Democracy, And Gender Identity: Wiebe E. Bijker And Karin Bijsterveld
Museum Reviews
Museum In Central Europe: A Traveler's Introduction: William S. Pretzer
The Deutsches Museum: Idea, Realization, And Objectives: Wolf Peter Fehlhammer And Wilhelm Fuessi
Munnich's Technology Collections: Eva A. Mayring
Museums Of Technology In Germany: Stefan Zeillinger And Michael Hascher
Poised For The New Millennium: The Techinal Museums of Prague, Vienna, And Berlin: Louis P. Hutchins
Review Essay
The Historian In The Rose Garden?: Kenneth Lipartito
The Dexter Prize
The Sally Hacker Prize
The Abbott Payson Usher Prize
The Joan Cahalin Robinson Prize
Samuel Eleazar And Rose Tartakow Levinson Prize
The IEEE Life Members' Prize In Electrical History
The Dibner Award Of Excellence In Museum Exhibits
Organizational Notes
The Detroit Meeting, 7 - 10 October 1999
Book Reviews
James E. McClellan III And Harold Dorn, Science And Technology In World History: Peter Hugill
Peter J. Hugill, Global Communications Since 1844: Geopolitics And Technology: Richard R. John
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, And Steel: The Fates Of Human Societies: Suzanne Moon
Arnulf Grübler, Technology And Global Change: Wybreen Verstegen
Roger Guesneries And François Hartog, Eds., Des Sciences Et Des Techinques: Un Debat: Guillaume De Syon
Arnold Pacey, Meaning In Technology: George Basalla
The Twenty - One Books Of Engineering And Machines Of Juanelo Turriano: Jose Altushuler
Roderick Webster And Marjorie Webster, Western Astrolabes: Emilie Savage - Smith
Marika Hedin And Ulf Larsson, Eds., Teknikens Landskap: En Teknik - Historisk Antologi Tillagnad Svante Lindqvist: Ole Hyldtoft
Maria Agren, Ed., Iron - Making Societies: Early Industrial Development In Sweden And Russia, 1600 - 1900: Larry Lankton
Donald B. Wagner, The Traditional Chinese Iron Industry And Its Modern Fate: Roland Spickermann
Anne - Françoise Garçon: Mine Et Metal, 1780 - 1880: Les Nonferreux Et L'Industrialisation
John Pannabecker
Michel Cotte, Le Fonds D'Archives Seguin: Aux Origines De La Revloution Industrielle En France 1790 - 1860: J. B. Gough
Antoine Picon, French Architects And Engineers In The Age Of Enlightenment: Ken Alder
Mary N. Woods, From Craft To Profession: The Practice Of Architecture In Nineteenth - Century America: Sharon Irish
Betsy Hunter Bradley, The Works: The Industrial Architecture Of The United States: Charles K. Hyde
Gail Cooper, Air - Conditioning America: Engineers And The Controlled Environment, 1900 - 1960: Regian Lee Blaszczyk
Mikael Hard And Andrew Jamison, Eds., The Intellectual Appropriation Of Technology: Discourses On Modernity, 1900 - 1939: Jeffrey Lewis
Hans - Liudger Dienal, Ed., Der Optimismus Der Ingenieure: Triumph Der Technik In Der Krise Der Moderne Um 1900: Mikael Hard
Paula A. Treichler, Lisa Cartwright, And Constance Penley, Eds., The Visible Woman: Imaging Technologies, Gender, And Science: Karen Newman
Rachel P. Maines, The Technology Of Orgasm: “Hysteria,” The Vibrator, And Women's Sexual Satisfaction: Julie Wosk
Klaus Plitzner, Ed., Elektirizitat In Der Geistesgeschichte,, And Beate Binder, Elektrifizierung Als Vision: Zur Symbolgeschichte Einer Technik Im Alltag: Maria Osietzki
Paul Israel, Edison: A Life Of Invention: Ronald R. Kline
Wilfried Feldenkirchen, Siemens, 1918 - 1945: Kees Gispen
Jay L. Brigham, Empowering The West: Electrical Politics Before FDR: James C. Williams
Bruce Hevly And John M. Findlay, Eds., The Atomic West: William Deverell
Steven Stoll, The Fruits Of Natural Advantage: Making The Industrial Countryside In California: Jack Temple Kirby
Dirk Van Laak, Weise Elefanten: Anspruch Und Scheidtern
Technischer Grosprojekte Um 20. Jahrhundert: Alexander Gall
Thomas P. Hughes, Rescuing Prometheus: Thomas K. McCraw
Bob Johnstone, We Were Burning: Japanes Entrepreneurs And The Forging Of The Electronic Age: Richard Florida
Herbert Kubicek, William H. Dutton, And Robin Williams, Eds., The Social Shaping Of Information Superhighways: European And American Roads To The Information Society: Gregory A. Marks
Michael Riordan And Lilian Hoddeson, Crystal Fire: The Birth Of The Information Age: Arthur P. Molella
Erik Mattie, World's Fairs: John Stamper
Keith Walden, Becoming Moder In Toronto: The Industrial Exhibition And The Shaping Of A Late Victorian Culture: Norman R. Ball
E. A. Heamen, The Inglorious Arts Of Peace: Exhibitions In Canadian Society During The Nineteenth Century: Elwood Jones
Donald H. Avery, The Science Of War: Canadian Scientists And Allied Military Technology During The Second World War: Randall C. Brooks
James L. George, History Of Warships: From Ancient Times To The Twenty - First Century: David McGee
Dwayne A. Day, John M. Logsdon, And Brian Latell, Eds., Eye In The Sky: The Story Of The Corona Spy Satellites: Dag Spiceer
Lena Andersson - Skog And Olle Krantz, Eds., Institutions In The Transport And Communications Industries: State And Private Actors In The Making Of Institutional Patterns, 1850 - 1990: Colin Divall
David O. Stowell, Streets, Railroads, And The Great Strike Of 1877: Scott Molloy
David M. Young, Chicago Transit: An Illustrated History: Zachary M. Schrag