Mégalopole Stambouliote, Métropoles Turques et "Rurbanisation": Une Société Définitivement Urbanisée? by Stéphane de Tapia
A Chronological Survey of Turkish Cinema by Hakkı Başgüney
Pandora's Box: Home, Lost and Found by Evrim Kaya
The Cinematic Space of Neo-Noir in Zeki Demirkubuz's Cinema by Özge Özdüzen
The Politics of Taste and Sociality in Film Festivals: The Istanbul International Film Festival and its Audience by Hakkı Başgüney & Özge Özdüzen
Documentary Cinema in Turkey: A Brief Survey of the Past and Present by Can Candan
Villes en Mouvement Villes et Ciné Documentaireby Jean-François Moris
Mégalopole Stambouliote, Métropoles Turques et "Rurbanisation": Une Société Définitivement Urbanisée? by Stéphane de Tapia
A Chronological Survey of Turkish Cinema by Hakkı Başgüney
Pandora's Box: Home, Lost and Found by Evrim Kaya
The Cinematic Space of Neo-Noir in Zeki Demirkubuz's Cinema by Özge Özdüzen
The Politics of Taste and Sociality in Film Festivals: The Istanbul International Film Festival and its Audience by Hakkı Başgüney & Özge Özdüzen
Documentary Cinema in Turkey: A Brief Survey of the Past and Present by Can Candan
Villes en Mouvement Villes et Ciné Documentaireby Jean-François Moris