#smrgKİTABEVİ The Emiriad The Life And Deeds Of Mehmet Emperor Of The Turks - 2023

Amyris has remained in obscurity as a single manuscript copy, virtually a banned book, for centuries, perhaps because, unlike most other Western writings during the Renaissance, it is not wholly derogatory toward a Turkish and Muslim Sultan. Now, approximately 550 years after the poem's composition, Associate Professors Filiz Barın Akman and Beyazıt Akman publish annotated Turkish and English translations of the poem, together with comprehensive introductory chapters offering historical information, textual analysis, commentary and criticism. The Akmans are experts about the image of the Turks and Islam in Western literature and historiography. The translation from Latin into English poetry is by Mark Herman and Professor Emerita Ronnie Apter and the Turkish translation is by Ahmet Deniz Altunbaş.
Amyris has remained in obscurity as a single manuscript copy, virtually a banned book, for centuries, perhaps because, unlike most other Western writings during the Renaissance, it is not wholly derogatory toward a Turkish and Muslim Sultan. Now, approximately 550 years after the poem's composition, Associate Professors Filiz Barın Akman and Beyazıt Akman publish annotated Turkish and English translations of the poem, together with comprehensive introductory chapters offering historical information, textual analysis, commentary and criticism. The Akmans are experts about the image of the Turks and Islam in Western literature and historiography. The translation from Latin into English poetry is by Mark Herman and Professor Emerita Ronnie Apter and the Turkish translation is by Ahmet Deniz Altunbaş.