#smrgKİTABEVİ The (In)Visible Community: Bulgarians in Ottoman Salonica - 2021
Chapter 1.
Formation and Consolidation of the Bulgarian Community Early evidence of Bulgarians in Salonica and Beginning of their Social Organization
1.2. Social Structure of the Bulgarian Population
1.3. The Bulgarian Church Community
1.4. Community Properties and Buildings
Chapter 2.
Salonica as an Education Centre of Bulgarians
2.1. Elementary schools.
2.2. High School Education of Young Bulgarians.
2.3. The Holy Annunciation Bulgarian Girls' High School.
2.4. Bulgarians and Non-Bulgarian Educational Institutions.
Chapter 3.
Bulgarians and the City: Social and Political Reflections
3.1. Bulgarian Participation in the Public Life of Ottoman Salonica.
3.2. Participation of the Bulgarians in the Political Life of the City.
3.3. National Confrontation and Annihilation of the Bulgarian Community.
Conclusion Illustrations
Chapter 1.
Formation and Consolidation of the Bulgarian Community Early evidence of Bulgarians in Salonica and Beginning of their Social Organization
1.2. Social Structure of the Bulgarian Population
1.3. The Bulgarian Church Community
1.4. Community Properties and Buildings
Chapter 2.
Salonica as an Education Centre of Bulgarians
2.1. Elementary schools.
2.2. High School Education of Young Bulgarians.
2.3. The Holy Annunciation Bulgarian Girls' High School.
2.4. Bulgarians and Non-Bulgarian Educational Institutions.
Chapter 3.
Bulgarians and the City: Social and Political Reflections
3.1. Bulgarian Participation in the Public Life of Ottoman Salonica.
3.2. Participation of the Bulgarians in the Political Life of the City.
3.3. National Confrontation and Annihilation of the Bulgarian Community.
Conclusion Illustrations