#smrgKİTABEVİ The Observatory in Islam. and Its Place in the General History of the Observatory : Aydın Sayılı Külliyatı : 4 - 2016

Chapter I - Astronmy and Astrology in Islam
Chapter II - Al Mamûn's Observatory Building Activity General Considerations
Chapter III - Early Observatories of Islam; the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
Chapter IV - The Time of Al Bîrûnî and Ibn Sînâ General Remarks and Al Bîrûnî
Chapter V - The Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
Chapter VI - The Marâgha Observatory
Chapter VII - The Fourteenth Century and Minor Observatoies
Chapter VIII - The Samarqand and the Istanbul Observatories
Chapter IX - The World of Islam and the Observatory as a Specialized Institution
Chapter X - The World of Islam and its Place in the General History of the Observatory
Appendix I
Appendix II
Chapter I - Astronmy and Astrology in Islam
Chapter II - Al Mamûn's Observatory Building Activity General Considerations
Chapter III - Early Observatories of Islam; the Ninth and Tenth Centuries
Chapter IV - The Time of Al Bîrûnî and Ibn Sînâ General Remarks and Al Bîrûnî
Chapter V - The Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries
Chapter VI - The Marâgha Observatory
Chapter VII - The Fourteenth Century and Minor Observatoies
Chapter VIII - The Samarqand and the Istanbul Observatories
Chapter IX - The World of Islam and the Observatory as a Specialized Institution
Chapter X - The World of Islam and its Place in the General History of the Observatory
Appendix I
Appendix II