#smrgKİTABEVİ The Ottoman World, Europe And The Mediterranean - 2012

1. “The creation of the Turkish image in the 16th-century Mediterranean: Self-reflection versus antipropaganda”. Published in: Imagining 'the Turk', ed. Bozidar Jezernik. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
2. “Provocative history writing as a means of memory refreshment and antipropaganda against the Turk in the modern ages”. Presented in: ‘The Turks and Islam' Conference, Sept. 11-12 at IU Bloomington, USA.
3. “‘Wanderers on mission' and their role in the information gathering in the 16th century Ottoman Empire”. Published in Turkish: “Misyon yüklü gezginler” ve 16. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na dair istihbarat toplama konusundaki rolleri, Doğu-Batı Dergisi, Halil İnalcık Armağanı, 2010.
4. “Men of frontiers: the couriers, agents, ambassadors, consuls. The information strategy of the Habsburgs about the Ottoman Empire”. Published in Spanish: “Las tácticas y vías de trasmisión de la información sobre los turcos”, España-Turquía. Actas de las I Jornadas de Historia organizadas por el Instituto Cervantes de Estambul en la Universidad del Bósforo los día 31 de octubre y 1 y 2 de noviembre de 2002. Editorial Isis, Estambul, 2003.
5. “The French image in Europe and the Ottoman Empire after the Franco-Turkish alliance against the Habsburg power. The role of France and the Ottoman Empire in the collapse of the majestic idea of the Orbis Christianus”. Presented in: Saison Turque, Osmanlı'da ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde Fransız Algıları, Bahçeşehir & Galatasaray Universities, Paris & Aix-en-Provence, December, 2009. Published as/in: “Avrupa'nin inşasında Osmanlı etkisi. Habsburg gücüne karşı Osmanlı-Fransiz ittifakının Avrupa'daki Fransa imajina katkısı ve Ffransa'nın majestik Orbis Christianus ideasının çöküşündeki rolü”. Doğu-Batı, 2010, Haziran.
6. “Lepanto as a breaking point between the Sublime Porte and the Republic”. Presented in: Celebrazione e autocritica. La Serenissima e la ricerca dell'identità veneziana nel tardo Cinquecento, Venezia, 2006.
7. “Alvise Gritti: Un Veneziano alla Sublime Porta”. Published in: Annali dell'Università degli studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, Sezione Romanza, L, 1, 71-105 Napoli (2008).
8. “The aid that never came: Rhodes as the last stronghold of Christianity in the Eastern Mediterranean”. Presented in: 3rd MMHN Conference, İzmir, May, 2010.
9. “The Ottoman Maghreb and its reflections in the Ottoman archival sources and poetry”. Presented in: Souveraineté ottomane et autonomie provinciale. Statut juridique et dynamique politique au Maghreb et dans les Balkans (XVIe-XIXe s.) Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, Tunis, October 2009.
10. “Iles et côtes infortunées face à l'Armada turque (1550-1552). Les attaques et leur contribution à la création d'une image négative des Turcs”. Published in : Des marges aux frontières: Les îles enjeux de conquêtes et de souverainetés, Université de Nice, Editions Classiques Garniers, Paris, 2010, 39-58.
11. “Los esclavos cristianos del “Gran Turco” en el siglo XVI: La reflexión de la eslavitud turca en los textos europeos”. Published in: Iacobus, vol. 21-211, 401-426. (2006).
12. “The role of wine in the Ottoman society a collective ‘vice': Restrictions and disobedience to the laws”. Presented in: Hicos, Retz, July 2011.
13. “Representation of power in the Ottoman architecture and the reflection of the Sultan's ambitions on the Süleymaniye Mosque and his tomb: Historiographical thesis versus imagological analysis: Between myth and reality”. Presented in: Le VIIIe congrès du corpus d'archéologie ottomane dans le monde: Fondation Temimi – Tunis, 2007
1. “The creation of the Turkish image in the 16th-century Mediterranean: Self-reflection versus antipropaganda”. Published in: Imagining 'the Turk', ed. Bozidar Jezernik. Cambridge Scholars Press, 2010.
2. “Provocative history writing as a means of memory refreshment and antipropaganda against the Turk in the modern ages”. Presented in: ‘The Turks and Islam' Conference, Sept. 11-12 at IU Bloomington, USA.
3. “‘Wanderers on mission' and their role in the information gathering in the 16th century Ottoman Empire”. Published in Turkish: “Misyon yüklü gezginler” ve 16. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'na dair istihbarat toplama konusundaki rolleri, Doğu-Batı Dergisi, Halil İnalcık Armağanı, 2010.
4. “Men of frontiers: the couriers, agents, ambassadors, consuls. The information strategy of the Habsburgs about the Ottoman Empire”. Published in Spanish: “Las tácticas y vías de trasmisión de la información sobre los turcos”, España-Turquía. Actas de las I Jornadas de Historia organizadas por el Instituto Cervantes de Estambul en la Universidad del Bósforo los día 31 de octubre y 1 y 2 de noviembre de 2002. Editorial Isis, Estambul, 2003.
5. “The French image in Europe and the Ottoman Empire after the Franco-Turkish alliance against the Habsburg power. The role of France and the Ottoman Empire in the collapse of the majestic idea of the Orbis Christianus”. Presented in: Saison Turque, Osmanlı'da ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde Fransız Algıları, Bahçeşehir & Galatasaray Universities, Paris & Aix-en-Provence, December, 2009. Published as/in: “Avrupa'nin inşasında Osmanlı etkisi. Habsburg gücüne karşı Osmanlı-Fransiz ittifakının Avrupa'daki Fransa imajina katkısı ve Ffransa'nın majestik Orbis Christianus ideasının çöküşündeki rolü”. Doğu-Batı, 2010, Haziran.
6. “Lepanto as a breaking point between the Sublime Porte and the Republic”. Presented in: Celebrazione e autocritica. La Serenissima e la ricerca dell'identità veneziana nel tardo Cinquecento, Venezia, 2006.
7. “Alvise Gritti: Un Veneziano alla Sublime Porta”. Published in: Annali dell'Università degli studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, Sezione Romanza, L, 1, 71-105 Napoli (2008).
8. “The aid that never came: Rhodes as the last stronghold of Christianity in the Eastern Mediterranean”. Presented in: 3rd MMHN Conference, İzmir, May, 2010.
9. “The Ottoman Maghreb and its reflections in the Ottoman archival sources and poetry”. Presented in: Souveraineté ottomane et autonomie provinciale. Statut juridique et dynamique politique au Maghreb et dans les Balkans (XVIe-XIXe s.) Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, Tunis, October 2009.
10. “Iles et côtes infortunées face à l'Armada turque (1550-1552). Les attaques et leur contribution à la création d'une image négative des Turcs”. Published in : Des marges aux frontières: Les îles enjeux de conquêtes et de souverainetés, Université de Nice, Editions Classiques Garniers, Paris, 2010, 39-58.
11. “Los esclavos cristianos del “Gran Turco” en el siglo XVI: La reflexión de la eslavitud turca en los textos europeos”. Published in: Iacobus, vol. 21-211, 401-426. (2006).
12. “The role of wine in the Ottoman society a collective ‘vice': Restrictions and disobedience to the laws”. Presented in: Hicos, Retz, July 2011.
13. “Representation of power in the Ottoman architecture and the reflection of the Sultan's ambitions on the Süleymaniye Mosque and his tomb: Historiographical thesis versus imagological analysis: Between myth and reality”. Presented in: Le VIIIe congrès du corpus d'archéologie ottomane dans le monde: Fondation Temimi – Tunis, 2007