#smrgKİTABEVİ The Repercussions of the Austro - Russian - Turkish War (1736-1739) on the Diplomacy and the International Status of the Ottoman Empire -
![The Repercussions of the Austro - Russian - Turkish War (1736-1739) on the Diplomacy and the International Status of the Ottoman Empire -](/u/simurgkitabevi/img/b/t/h/the-repercussions-of-the-austro-russian-turkish-war-1736-1739-on-the-diplomacy-and-the-international050415edb77f9f1fc646c8ec59fe4cda.jpg)
I. From the Pre-War PerIod UntIl 1736-37: The Ottomans' Fears and The AllIes' Self - Assuredness
1. The Background
2. The Surfacing of Ottoman Fears
3. The Empire's International Standing at its Nadir
II. The Years of War: The SweepIng Impact of The Unexpected Ottoman Success
1. The Ottoman Empire as Viewed by the Allies and in Europe during the Early Stages of the War
2. 1737-1739: The Ottoman Counter-Offensive and the Reformulation of Policies and Perceptions about the Ottoman Empire in Light of Developments on the Battlefield
III. Reflectıons Of The War On The Post-1739 Developments: The Reconfırmatıon Of The Ottoman Empıre's Great
Power Status
1. The Reconfirmation of the Ottoman Empire's Great-Power Status
2. Reversals in the Ottoman Domestic Policy Goals and the Underlying Reasons
3. Later Eighteenth-Century Historiography on the War
IV. The War and FactIonalIsm In The Ottoman Government: The War- and Peace-PartIes
1. First Seeds of Divergence
2. The Rising Factionalism and the Prevailing of the Peace-Party
3. The Peace-Party Leads the War
4. The War-Party Regains the Upper Hand
V. ClosIng Remarks
I. From the Pre-War PerIod UntIl 1736-37: The Ottomans' Fears and The AllIes' Self - Assuredness
1. The Background
2. The Surfacing of Ottoman Fears
3. The Empire's International Standing at its Nadir
II. The Years of War: The SweepIng Impact of The Unexpected Ottoman Success
1. The Ottoman Empire as Viewed by the Allies and in Europe during the Early Stages of the War
2. 1737-1739: The Ottoman Counter-Offensive and the Reformulation of Policies and Perceptions about the Ottoman Empire in Light of Developments on the Battlefield
III. Reflectıons Of The War On The Post-1739 Developments: The Reconfırmatıon Of The Ottoman Empıre's Great
Power Status
1. The Reconfirmation of the Ottoman Empire's Great-Power Status
2. Reversals in the Ottoman Domestic Policy Goals and the Underlying Reasons
3. Later Eighteenth-Century Historiography on the War
IV. The War and FactIonalIsm In The Ottoman Government: The War- and Peace-PartIes
1. First Seeds of Divergence
2. The Rising Factionalism and the Prevailing of the Peace-Party
3. The Peace-Party Leads the War
4. The War-Party Regains the Upper Hand
V. ClosIng Remarks