Prehistoric man; Hieroglyphs; Nile; Egypt; Mesopotamia; Sumerians; Moses; Phoenicians; Indo-Europeans; Aegean Sea; Greeks; Persian wars; Athens vs Sparta; Alexander the Great; Rome & Carthage; Roman Empire; Joshua of Nazareth; Fall of Rome; Church; Mohammed; Charlemagne; Norsemen; Feudalism; Chivalry; Pope vs Emperor; Crusades; Mediaeval city; Renaissance; Great discoveries; Buddha & Confucius; Reformation; Religious warfare; English revolution; Russia vs Sweden; Prussia...
Prehistoric man; Hieroglyphs; Nile; Egypt; Mesopotamia; Sumerians; Moses; Phoenicians; Indo-Europeans; Aegean Sea; Greeks; Persian wars; Athens vs Sparta; Alexander the Great; Rome & Carthage; Roman Empire; Joshua of Nazareth; Fall of Rome; Church; Mohammed; Charlemagne; Norsemen; Feudalism; Chivalry; Pope vs Emperor; Crusades; Mediaeval city; Renaissance; Great discoveries; Buddha & Confucius; Reformation; Religious warfare; English revolution; Russia vs Sweden; Prussia...