#smrgSAHAF Turkey - EU Civil Society Dialogue : The European Union's Europa-Bridges of Knowledge of Programme for Turkey / Turkey-EU Observatory Conferance : Oservatory Outputs - 2024

1. Introduction 5
2. Perceptions 7
Fernando Nogales Comment. 7
Olof Ehrenkrona Comment. 10
Erik Holm What is Europe. 13
Joseph E. Bigio Enduring Relationships 16
Andrew Finkel The Door to Europe - half open or half shut? ...17
3. Current State of Affairs 19
Cengiz Aktar Nicolas Sarkozy's Mediterranean Union 19
Kirsty Hughes EU's Internal Integration Process- Can an inward-looking EU regain its confidence and a new strategic direction?.. 23
Nilgün Arısan Eralp EU-Turkish Relations with Special Emphasis on Accession Negotiations. 27
4. A Perspective on Economy. 31
Refik Erzan Windfall Gains of the EU Membership Process.. 31
Simon Quijano-Evans Turkey - Already looking to the future. 37
5. Conference Reports 45
Search Conference Methodology 45
Ahmet O. Evin Reciprocal Images and Knowledge: From Confrontation to Integration-Summary of the Barcelona Meeting. 46
Ahmet O. Evin Athens Search Conference. 50
Evrim Taşkın Athens Search Conference Findings. 53
Ahmet O. Evin & Evrim Taşkın Istanbul Report 55 Evrim Taşkın Lisbon Report. 63
1. Introduction 5
2. Perceptions 7
Fernando Nogales Comment. 7
Olof Ehrenkrona Comment. 10
Erik Holm What is Europe. 13
Joseph E. Bigio Enduring Relationships 16
Andrew Finkel The Door to Europe - half open or half shut? ...17
3. Current State of Affairs 19
Cengiz Aktar Nicolas Sarkozy's Mediterranean Union 19
Kirsty Hughes EU's Internal Integration Process- Can an inward-looking EU regain its confidence and a new strategic direction?.. 23
Nilgün Arısan Eralp EU-Turkish Relations with Special Emphasis on Accession Negotiations. 27
4. A Perspective on Economy. 31
Refik Erzan Windfall Gains of the EU Membership Process.. 31
Simon Quijano-Evans Turkey - Already looking to the future. 37
5. Conference Reports 45
Search Conference Methodology 45
Ahmet O. Evin Reciprocal Images and Knowledge: From Confrontation to Integration-Summary of the Barcelona Meeting. 46
Ahmet O. Evin Athens Search Conference. 50
Evrim Taşkın Athens Search Conference Findings. 53
Ahmet O. Evin & Evrim Taşkın Istanbul Report 55 Evrim Taşkın Lisbon Report. 63