#smrgKİTABEVİ Yönetimde Etik Stratejiler Açısından Örgütsel Adalet - Örgütsel Vatandaşlık (Üzerine Bir Araştırma) - 2023
![Yönetimde Etik Stratejiler Açısından Örgütsel Adalet - Örgütsel Vatandaşlık (Üzerine Bir Araştırma) - 2023](/u/simurgkitabevi/img/b/y/o/yonetimde-etik-stratejiler-acisindan-orgutsel-adalet-orgutsel-vatandaslik-uzerine-bir-arastirma-20236271d0a9d26822576d14b53b67739a7f.jpg)
Organizations can be assessed from many different perspectives according to their different characteristics and goals. Many factors affect organizations' success and/or failure in today's conditions. Unlike positive sciences in the field of management, there is no exact law, universal formula, etc. Although the new requirements caused by new technologies and social phenomena are experienced in a rapidly changing environment and framework, the existence of some values can be considered as an invisible element of the success of organizations. If organizations live these values in a strategic dimension, they can succeed and develop in terms of competition and synergy. Ethical values are the pioneering ones.
Organizations can be assessed from many different perspectives according to their different characteristics and goals. Many factors affect organizations' success and/or failure in today's conditions. Unlike positive sciences in the field of management, there is no exact law, universal formula, etc. Although the new requirements caused by new technologies and social phenomena are experienced in a rapidly changing environment and framework, the existence of some values can be considered as an invisible element of the success of organizations. If organizations live these values in a strategic dimension, they can succeed and develop in terms of competition and synergy. Ethical values are the pioneering ones.